Why is some crap socialist from Vermont in that pole?
Because it is the only way that the moron that created this table could make it look like Trump was doing well in any categories. Since the creator did such a shitty job of this, and didn't provide a source, and since it is old.... looks to me like Trump is losing in every category, because every category prefers Clinton or Sanders to Trump. Such as in the highest income bucket, 9% want Trump, while 12% want either Clinton or Sanders.
Here is something more recent, that includes a source which allows readers to dig in further. And shows what I've been saying, that Trump is doing better with the less educated than he is with the more educated. In other words, Clinton's lead is largest with those that finished college.
Here is something more recent, that includes a source which allows readers to dig in further. And shows what I've been saying, that Trump is doing better with the less educated than he is with the more educated. In other words, Clinton's lead is largest with those that finished college.
Here is something more recent, that includes a source which allows readers to dig in further. And shows what I've been saying, that Trump is doing better with the less educated than he is with the more educated. In other words, Clinton's lead is largest with those that finished college.
I thought it was July, but it was all I could find in the 2 minutes I used to look, and at least it doesn't split the Dem ticket between Clinton and Sanders. I doubt there has been a huge change that changes the underlying point. Clinton does better with more educated voters. Trump does better with less educated voters.
Not surprising
But I don't think that was the poont you were going for.
The Clinton supporters would have no place else to go if Bernie won the nomination, and would fall in line the same as they did in 2008.
If Hillary had more of Bernie's supporters on board, the election would be over.
Given how stacked the DNC was in favor or Clinton, I'm impressed he kept it as close as he did.
Just like Jeb! would have plungered Hillary.