I'm just asking you to put up the dirt. Shouldn't be hard.
Do you not recall anything about the number of jobs Trump has outsourced to China and other countries? How much of his debt is outsourced to China. How many of his vendors he's fucked. How many banks he's fucked. How clueless he is to any world affairs. Lawsuit for his "university". His constant lies about anything and everything.
I'm not even digging.
But you are right, he's a saint. Seriously. It's crazy how you won't even own his shit. Like you are as delusional as Trump is.
Hillary outsourced our country and it's secrets to the highest paying foreign powers and wealthy individuals like Soros.
Hillary must really pissed you off if those things about Trump are troubling. Business decisions are a bit different than selling out your country.
Shareholders such as ourselves demand earnings and don't like losses.
I'm not sure the bank of China has shareholders.
Hillary is fucktarded and done some stupid shit. You don't need to lie about what she's done like you are.
In Communist China, Comminist China is shareholder.
They are the sole owner.
Read what I posted in a Yakov Smirnoff voice and maybe you'll get the fucking joke.
Take your HTH and shove it up your ass if there's still room with the existing stick already occupying the cavity.
Really Trump has done pay for play as secretary of state? Odd I didn't know he was a highly placed government official capable of awarding favors for large donations to a foundation run by him.
You are certainly blind to reality. But then the ends justify the means eh comrade?
Holy shit man. You are so blinded. Hillary has done fucked up shit. Yes. But if you don't think bribery is commonly used in Trump's businesses. And he wouldn't continue that as president, you win fucktard of the year.
Prove it. We've seen the Clintons do it. Who did Trump take bribes from?
Trump does the bribing. I guess that's better.
Is always better to be the pitcher, than the catcher.
Really Trump has done pay for play as secretary of state? Odd I didn't know he was a highly placed government official capable of awarding favors for large donations to a foundation run by him.
You are certainly blind to reality. But then the ends justify the means eh comrade?
Holy shit man. You are so blinded. Hillary has done fucked up shit. Yes. But if you don't think bribery is commonly used in Trump's businesses. And he wouldn't continue that as president, you win fucktard of the year.
Prove it. We've seen the Clintons do it. Who did Trump take bribes from?
Dude you are that fucktarded. Don't act like Trump is squeaky clean. Holy shit.
I see couldn't find anything on Trump. Plenty on your girl.
He's far cleaner than a Clinton but so is a dog turd.
Yes. I know you couldn't find anything on Trump. Your news source doesn't report that shit and anything bad is the media's fault. We get it.
Are you new?