The idea of rapists being redeemable has been on my mind a lot lately, especially since finishing the last season of Orange is the New Black. - yes, she lets a fictional tv show about women's prison shape her thoughts.
I try to believe that every person is worthy of love and forgiveness, but it's hard for me to apply that to people who (allegedly) rape and murder.
As for Bill Clinton and Juanita Broaddrick, I have no idea what to think,in a later poast, she/he/it? thinks that its unlikely clinton raped her cause it was a one time thing, yes, clinton is allegedly a one and done rapist, at least he's a one and done versus romar who CANT GET TO THE FUCKING TOURNEY ANYMORE but that's fine. I have so many other thoughts but am having trouble articulating them right now. - OK!
We? support rape.
The idea of rapists being redeemable has been on my mind a lot lately, especially since finishing the last season of Orange is the New Black. - yes, she lets a fictional tv show about women's prison shape her thoughts.
I try to believe that every person is worthy of love and forgiveness, but it's hard for me to apply that to people who (allegedly) rape and murder.
As for Bill Clinton and Juanita Broaddrick, I have no idea what to think,in a later poast, she/he/it? thinks that its unlikely clinton raped her cause it was a one time thing, yes, clinton is allegedly a one and done rapist, at least he's a one and done versus romar who CANT GET TO THE FUCKING TOURNEY ANYMORE but that's fine. I have so many other thoughts but am having trouble articulating them right now. - OK!