Attacks like this from anonymous internet poasters will be deleted. Always have, always will. If you want to make wild accusations like this, you need to put your name on it.
Chief Firewater say no attack, only firewater pow wow. Chief Leach fall down, go boom in Chief Firewater wigwam. Pants already on ankles before fall. Chief Leach pass out face down, carpet burns and red ring consensual. Spirit fleas not. Chief Leach not clean. Now Chief Firewater itch.
Chief Firewater say no attack, only firewater pow wow. Chief Leach fall down, go boom in Chief Firewater wigwam. Pants already on ankles before fall. Chief Leach pass out face down, carpet burns and red ring consensual. Spirit fleas not. Chief Leach not clean. Now Chief Firewater itch.
Chief Firewater say no attack, only firewater pow wow. Chief Leach fall down, go boom in Chief Firewater wigwam. Pants already on ankles before fall. Chief Leach pass out face down, carpet burns and red ring consensual. Spirit fleas not. Chief Leach not clean. Now Chief Firewater itch.
How'd this fucker get access to our text messages @Swaye?
Chief Firewater say no attack, only firewater pow wow. Chief Leach fall down, go boom in Chief Firewater wigwam. Pants already on ankles before fall. Chief Leach pass out face down, carpet burns and red ring consensual. Spirit fleas not. Chief Leach not clean. Now Chief Firewater itch.
How'd this fucker get access to our text messages @Swaye?
When I got this thing at the pawn shop last week they said it had the latest security technology. Perhaps the white man tricked me?
Leach try keep up with Chief "Firewater", then fall down, go boom.
Chief Firewater say no attack, only firewater pow wow. Chief Leach fall down, go boom in Chief Firewater wigwam. Pants already on ankles before fall. Chief Leach pass out face down, carpet burns and red ring consensual. Spirit fleas not. Chief Leach not clean. Now Chief Firewater itch.