If you can trust jood's post-hangover reports, it sounds like Brownshorts is getting picked off a lot in practice.
Just like the Spring Game. Our D gets used to shutting down complete ass-dreck before playing some real offenses. Fucking script Fuck You Pete, it's the fucking Pac 12 and you can't put together an offense fucking kill yourself.
To be clear, browning has been picked off twice in three practices so far this spring. He's probably thrown around 150 passes in 11-11, 7-7, 9-7 and 1-1's. That's impressive against our secondary.
So not sure why Jude said he's getting picked off a lot.
To be clear, browning has been picked off twice in three practices so far this spring. He's probably thrown around 150 passes in 11-11, 7-7, 9-7 and 1-1's. That's impressive against our secondary.
So not sure why Jude said he's getting picked off a lot.
You just want shit socks to be good so I can be wrong!!!
So not sure why Jude said he's getting picked off a lot.
It's really good, but not good enough to overcome Peterman and Babushka.
But SI says we're #7!!!