4 more prominent Republicans denounced Trump today, Aug 04, 2016
So prominent you can't even name them.
It was on the TV news buttfuckers. I didn't memorize their names.
If they were prominent, you wouldn't have to memorize their names.
They are prominent to the (R) ilk. Not to me.
Slow up the uptake I see.
Engrish prease
When you have to resort to that, it is the same as admitting you are wrong.
I accept.
I'm not a big grammar nazi/spelling flame guy, but next time you want to call someone slow, you should be sure you actually know how the language works first.
I accept.
Otherwise, it kind of takes away from your poont.
Why are you still here?
@DerekJohnson, help!
You ignorant, Trump voting, fuck.