Don Lemon is just one of many politically correct milquetoast news "anchors" who lack the honesty and the spine to call out a group like Black Lives Matter. He, like many others, uses political correctness as a weapon to stifle honest conversation and as a means of steering the narrative. Gotta give the Sheriff props for not having any part of that nonsense.
The fact is, Black Lives Matter is a racist hate filled movement, there can be little doubt that their venom filled anti police rhetoric is contributing to the targeting of police. The Sheriff is right to call them out on this. Interestingly, while they were under attack by BLM, Bernie, Hillary and Bill have all had moments of clarity with this group, in fact Bill did a great job of confronting them over his crime bills, but political expediency (and political correctness) forced them all to turn tail afterwards. BLM is after all among their constituency, along with La Raza, the New Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, CAIR and many other race based hate groups. The modern democrat party is a true gem.
Most people agree that racism and hate are wrong in all their forms. But when the discussion gets twisted by political correctness, virtually every "group" but one gets a pass, with some going so far as to say that these things only exist from the majority towards the minority. This is, of course, pure bullshit. They can, and unfortunately do exist in all directions.
At the end of the day people have to wise up and realize that they're being played, there is too much political power and personal gain being derived from the politics of division for political leaders to take charge in an effort to change things. It's starting to feel a little like the late 60's / early 70's again, and I for one would just as soon avoid a repeat of the very violent and unsettling parts of that time.
All paid for by the big democrat donors, George Soros and crew who are also funding Hillary and financed BHO and seek to destroy this country. This is the chaos Saul Alinsky says they need to take over. Get used to it.
What bothers me the most about Lemon is that he can't keep control of his panels ... and way too often the loudest and most insulting all lean to the left.
What bothers me the most about Lemon is that he can't keep control of his panels ... and way too often the loudest and most insulting all lean to the left.
What bothers me the most about Lemon is that he can't keep control of his panels ... and way too often the loudest and most insulting all lean to the left.
because he never lets them fucking talk
He does if they're expressing an opinion in concert with his. Lemon is a tool and a pussy. You could sense Lemon's grapes turning into raisins when Sheriff Clark shot him the stink eye and refused to play along.
What bothers me the most about Lemon is that he can't keep control of his panels ... and way too often the loudest and most insulting all lean to the left.
because he never lets them fucking talk
He does if they're expressing an opinion in concert with his. Lemon is a tool and a pussy. You could sense Lemon's grapes turning into raisins when Sheriff Clark shot him the stink eye and refused to play along.
Try and keep your cool around that BBC, then pop off.
Southerndawg is spot on.
I mean my hood before I escaped to my compound with guns and religion.
because he never lets them fucking talk