Anyone who is a politician these days is a complete and utter douche.
There used to be a time in this country where serving the government was a higher good.
It doesn't exist much anymore. Bernie, despite my disagreements with him, I think was idealist as it has come in a long time. He wasn't running for money. He's an idealist. I think he's a doof, but I respected that. Until he endorsed the ultimate insider.
The Clintons are all about power. If you don't believe that check your logic and idealism at the door.
I'm not a fan of Trump, but he's the anti-Bernie. And it's interesting how much they agree on.
If you vote for Hillary, you vote for establishment; If you vote for Trump you're an asshole.
I get the rancor. Honestly gentlemen, after 23 years of fighting for my country I sometimes regret it. This doesn't resemble America much to me anymore. Hence my vitriol and rancor. Forgive me for my sometimes inappropriate spouting.
And even
@AlCzervik and I can agree on this, I think. Maybe not
@TheGlove but hopefully.
I miss America, dammit.
I am a Libertarian at heart and action. I can't believe Hillary even made the cutoff.
ahh fuck it
How about this, it's easy to talk about leveling the playing field when you're angling to be the bulldozer driver.
All these steps are common sense and relatively simple. They will all be fought tooth and nail by those who are really running this country, the rich. People will continue to chase imaginary Jap video game characters (in public), listen to bubbleheads like Britney and Taylor Swift, and ingest awful reality TV and worry about who uses what bathroom, and imaginary boogeymen liberals who will take all their guns.
Never apologize for hating everyone. And thanks for your service.
Another fucker who doesn't know what he spent all those years protecting
Race saw what happened the last time a Monarch tried to push us around. So if you are truly wanting to burn everything that we've known to the ground. Vote for Trump.