I found it.... interesting.
I actually have some perspective on this (fuck me).
One of my last jobs pre retirement was as a G-5, G-3. Division level operations and plans guy. Under my watch was an EOC (Emergency Operations Center) that handled all traffic, email and otherwise between theater and CONUS. That's a neat way of saying we tracked and maintained commo between deployed troops and home base.
I had 2 NCOs that did this job full time --- we'd get upwards of 500+ emails a day. It was a huge job. I went 2 years without taking more than 1 day off at a time. We had a ridiculously structured protocol.
@Swaye will recognize what I'm about to say.
We had NIPR traffic. Regular email. Confidential and below traffic. No big deal. Used microsoft outlook.
Than we had SIPR. Classified and above. Secret and Top Secret. The one laptop that was allowed to receive said traffic (troop movements, logisitics requirements, etc) was in a vault. Like bank vault. I had two NCOs outside it at all times. To even be in the room you needed a Secret clearance minimum and had to be on a list. You weren't even allowed to use our landlines if it wasn't official (BTW, this was right here in WA state, not overseas). It was cyber locked and if we fucked the combo up, Ft. McCoy would call immediately. There was a safe in the vault to store the documents you may need to print. You weren't allowed to take the documents out of the vault.
And this was piddly shit. Nothing I ever saw would have aided the terrorists or enemies.
So, making excuses for SCOTUS is fucking stupid. Just stop. She knew the rules. I was a lowly Army Officer and I'm telling you if I had fucked that part of my job off, I'd be making furniture in Kansas full time. We had one breach in my 2 years. Major who just fucked up and took a document with him. I stuck up for him. He didn't do it on purpose and he wasn't intending to do anything wrong. But he lost his job over it.
When we hold the civilian leaders of the military to the same standards of those of us they command, that will be a good day.
This is fucked up. I don't care about her party, gender, or any of that shit. I would be rooting for Mitt, Gary Johnson, Newt, or
@PurpleJ s 2 dads to get kicked in the cock over this too. You can't defend this and be credible.
Oh and
@TheGlove is a commie.
@Tequilla ed myself.
shaking and about to vomit.
I won't talk about what I used to do before I became I drug snorting loser, but trust me when I say if I did half the shit Hillary did in my former life I would be making big rocks into little rocks somewhere. Anyone who doesn't understand the gravity of this has never had a security clearance before. Full stop.
Hilary may have escaped criminal proceedings but already today I've talked to two people who couldn't fucking believe what they saw/how she skated. And I"m a desk jockey who doesn't talk to more than a couple live beings per day. I say Trump wins rather easily, 34-17 because of this debacle.
The thing is, a lot of the people who are going to vote for Hillary already know she's a crooked snake, and they don't give a fuck because Trump says mildly hurtful things about Messicans and it is better to be an actual criminal in this country than a mild racist because Fagbook hates racism but not law breaking because laws are made to be broken because the white man made them and fuck the white man (only part of my run on sentence I agree with).
dude talks shit to overeducated incompetent nerds in simple words so they can be insulted with their own stupidity.
"UW fanbase is the SEC of the West" Demario Richard..
Hillary's shady as fuck ass wins, the only question is whether she takes out the plunger.
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