No laudations from anyone so you congratulated yourself. You are a true millenial! Dumber than a box of rocks. Maybe you could get mom to type a participation post.
Who gives a fuck what my mom thought about it? I cried up to my two dads with pride.
I am a *millennial* though so you're going to have to refrain from anymore 'box of rocks' comparisons. Too hurtful.
meanwhile in oakland today "Quote" rel="Gladstone">meanwhile in oakland today
Am I the only one whose biggest pet peeve is those fuckers who walk across the street simply because there's a law on the books that saws the pedestrian has right of way?
Back in the day it was drilled into our heads that 'you may be the toughest kid on the block but you'll never win a fight with a car' and we looked both ways before stepping into the street.
I'm all for peaceful protests but the minute you block people from getting to home after a shitty day at work is the minute you and the issue you're protesting about can fuck off.
I'm all for peaceful protests but the minute you block people from getting to home after a shitty day at work is the minute you and the issue you're protesting about can fuck off get run the fuck over.
meanwhile in oakland today "Quote" rel="Gladstone">meanwhile in oakland today
Am I the only one whose biggest pet peeve is those fuckers who walk across the street simply because there's a law on the books that saws the pedestrian has right of way?
Back in the day it was drilled into our heads that 'you may be the toughest kid on the block but you'll never win a fight with a car' and we looked both ways before stepping into the street.
Whenever someone bitches about their right of way as a pedestrian, I always ask if it's worth a trip to the hospital to prove their point.
Also a big reason why I would never want to bike anywhere on a city arterial.
meanwhile in oakland today "Quote" rel="Gladstone">meanwhile in oakland today
Am I the only one whose biggest pet peeve is those fuckers who walk across the street simply because there's a law on the books that saws the pedestrian has right of way?
Back in the day it was drilled into our heads that 'you may be the toughest kid on the block but you'll never win a fight with a car' and we looked both ways before stepping into the street.
Whenever someone bitches about their right of way as a pedestrian, I always ask if it's worth a trip to the hospital to prove their point.
Also a big reason why I would never want to bike anywhere on a city arterial.
The car always wins.
Why don't you just come out and say you think the car cheats.
meanwhile in oakland today "Quote" rel="Gladstone">meanwhile in oakland today
Am I the only one whose biggest pet peeve is those fuckers who walk across the street simply because there's a law on the books that saws the pedestrian has right of way?
Back in the day it was drilled into our heads that 'you may be the toughest kid on the block but you'll never win a fight with a car' and we looked both ways before stepping into the street.
Whenever someone bitches about their right of way as a pedestrian, I always ask if it's worth a trip to the hospital to prove their point.
Also a big reason why I would never want to bike anywhere on a city arterial.
The car always wins.
Why don't you just come out and say you think the car cheats.
Who gives a fuck what my mom thought about it? I cried up to my two dads with pride.
I am a *millennial* though so you're going to have to refrain from anymore 'box of rocks' comparisons. Too hurtful.
Back in the day it was drilled into our heads that 'you may be the toughest kid on the block but you'll never win a fight with a car' and we looked both ways before stepping into the street.
Also a big reason why I would never want to bike anywhere on a city arterial.
The car always wins.