Personally I don't give a shit what you do with your own time and money ... to each their own. But at the same time, don't fucking go around passing judgement on how others spend their time and money. I guarantee that what I spend on Johnny football each year is less than what you spend on items that I'd view as a tremendous waste of your time and money.
I support Johnny. You know if he even attempts to sober up, Jerry Jones is signing him.
I'd hoped his flame-out—inevitable as it was—would have been more publicly entertaining.
It's been pretty fucking entertaining to me.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. Jonny raised some lofty expectations for exponential growth in debauchery. I'd been hoping for humping a reporter's leg postgame. Traveling with porn stars. That sorta shit.
Or 50
Or 60
Looking at 70 now
Needle and the thread gonna wind up dead
2. Super Bowl MVP
3. Snorts half of Colombia in one sitting
4. ???
5. Profit