So, who kills Cersie next season? Sand snakes? Dany? Littlefinger? Arya? Old bag Tyrell?Good shit.
Watching Arya feed Frey bits of his idiot boys and then slice his throat made two seasons of bullshit storyline somewhat worth it.
You don't fuck with Cersei. When you do, she blows everyone up. Did not see all the Tyrells dying in one fell swoop, or all the sparrows. She took them all out. Hats off.
It took 6 fucking seasons to get here but finally some comeuppance for some of these fucks.
Got to admit I did not see Jon Snow being crowned King in the North either. Took me by surprise. Littlefinger is pissed at this turn.
Good episode all the way around. I have to think fat boy was included because he is going to research and find some magic formula to kill wights and walkers and save the day or some shit. Need more Hound.
Hound vs Zombie Mountain while Arya kills Cersie is my Season 7 pick.
Really good pacing and it's probably due to starting the hour off with the biggest bang. And how gorgeous was it, goddamn!? The literal darkness at Cersei's coronation has gotta be one of the show's most beautiful scenes.
The master stroke is, of course, the opening 15 minutes: Cersei finally making her move. Just brilliant how the OST is used throughout to keep the viewer captivated throughout the building dread, and that martyr shot of the HS going up in flames was just delicious. That scene is easily top 5 from the entire show's run.
Really good pacing and it's probably due to starting the hour off with the biggest bang. And how gorgeous was it, goddamn!? The literal darkness at Cersei's coronation has gotta be one of the show's most beautiful scenes.
The master stroke is, of course, the opening 15 minutes: Cersei finally making her move. Just brilliant how the OST is used throughout to keep the viewer captivated throughout the building dread, and that martyr shot of the HS going up in flames was just delicious. That scene is easily top 5 from the entire show's run.
Cersei was shit on all season, and in one instant she makes the most groundbreaking move in the entire series. Ned's beheading, Red Wedding, Battle of the Bastards, Tywin's death, etc. None of those moments even hold a candle to Cersei practically wiping out Westeros's second wealthiest family along with the entire Faith of the Seven. Her reign won't last long, but god damn that was an awesomely violent ascent to the throne.
So, who kills Cersie next season? Sand snakes? Dany? Littlefinger? Arya? Old bag Tyrell?Good shit.
Watching Arya feed Frey bits of his idiot boys and then slice his throat made two seasons of bullshit storyline somewhat worth it.
You don't fuck with Cersei. When you do, she blows everyone up. Did not see all the Tyrells dying in one fell swoop, or all the sparrows. She took them all out. Hats off.
It took 6 fucking seasons to get here but finally some comeuppance for some of these fucks.
Got to admit I did not see Jon Snow being crowned King in the North either. Took me by surprise. Littlefinger is pissed at this turn.
Good episode all the way around. I have to think fat boy was included because he is going to research and find some magic formula to kill wights and walkers and save the day or some shit. Need more Hound.
Hound vs Zombie Mountain while Arya kills Cersie is my Season 7 pick.
Jaime will kill Cersei as an echoing motif of his first time as kingslayer. He will then sit on the throne once again momentarily and kill himself.
That was what took the opening King's Landing scenes over the top for me. It was so ominous and chilling that you just knew shit wasn't going to end well from the get go.
Overall 10/10 episode, I'll have to rewatch tomorrow but this is the first TV episode I've seriously considered being better than Ozymandias from Breaking Bad.
Watching Arya feed Frey bits of his idiot boys and then slice his throat made two seasons of bullshit storyline somewhat worth it.
You don't fuck with Cersei. When you do, she blows everyone up. Did not see all the Tyrells dying in one fell swoop, or all the sparrows. She took them all out. Hats off.
It took 6 fucking seasons to get here but finally some comeuppance for some of these fucks.
Got to admit I did not see Jon Snow being crowned King in the North either. Took me by surprise. Littlefinger is pissed at this turn.
Good episode all the way around. I have to think fat boy was included because he is going to research and find some magic formula to kill wights and walkers and save the day or some shit. Need more Hound.
Hound vs Zombie Mountain while Arya kills Cersie is my Season 7 pick.
they should've showed the mountain 4 ft cock slaying the shame woman or at least the aftermath of hamburger guts he created
The master stroke is, of course, the opening 15 minutes: Cersei finally making her move. Just brilliant how the OST is used throughout to keep the viewer captivated throughout the building dread, and that martyr shot of the HS going up in flames was just delicious. That scene is easily top 5 from the entire show's run.
Overall 10/10 episode, I'll have to rewatch tomorrow but this is the first TV episode I've seriously considered being better than Ozymandias from Breaking Bad.
Also, I love the books, but thank you D&D for cutting through so many characters in one swoop. Needed to be done.
Also well played by having Olenna tell the Sandsnakes to fuck off like so many of us wish we could have done.
I think Cersei has lost Jamie for good.