Sorry for the delay, I've been hangin' out with my buddy @Tequilla on our exclusive golfaganza US tour.
To answer your question, I'm hearing that UW is narrowing their search on the final hire for AD. They are down to a short list now. I actually know who it is, but can't post it on the free boards. Maybe I'll jump on chat later and fill you guys in. I will say this though, because of all the money UW put into this AD search it looks like they are hiring from the outside and not just selecting from the current administration.
"UW fanbase is the SEC of the West" Demario Richard..
The off season is like having 6 months of AIDS every year. At least AIDS kills you unlike husky football.
To answer your question, I'm hearing that UW is narrowing their search on the final hire for AD. They are down to a short list now. I actually know who it is, but can't post it on the free boards. Maybe I'll jump on chat later and fill you guys in. I will say this though, because of all the money UW put into this AD search it looks like they are hiring from the outside and not just selecting from the current administration.
"UW fanbase is the SEC of the West" Demario Richard..