Arguing with Hondo over a commie talking point is not possible.
America is pussified. We've gone so long without great strife that we are now a nation dominated by women and feminized men like Hondo. Gentlemen were trained fighters and did not venture about unarmed. Americans have always taken care of themselves until the rise of the left and their nanny state Marxist bullshit.
When seconds mean life or death the police are minutes away. Take care of yourselves. Take America back. Assholes who think like Hondo run way to much of our country and are the reason we are in this trouble.
Odd how it's the fault of an inanimate object with no will of it's own but never the person holding it. Especially if they're muslim. In the liberal mind there is never personal accountability. There is always "something" that caused them to do what they did or live how they live.
This is a religious war. Recognize it and get over the fact. It's been going for 1000 years.
On the bright side we have the ability to fix it very quickly but no political will to do so with the current muslim friendly administration.
A quote by Jeff Cooper.
The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.
I didn't know we had so many fans of Islam on this bored.
I have a friend who is an ISLAM fan. I'm a DAWG fan. We always root for each other except when they are flying planes into our buildings or shooting up nightclubs. Make SENSE? DAWG sense!!!!!
50 dead confirmed. Why didn't somebody shoot back???
There was an off-duty cop working security that engaged him in a firefight when he first arrived and before he went in the club. Doesn't really appear to have made much of a difference.
Please go back to arguing mindlessly with each other now.
50 dead confirmed. Why didn't somebody shoot back???
There was an off-duty cop working security that engaged him in a firefight when he first arrived and before he went in the club. Doesn't really appear to have made much of a difference.
Please go back to arguing mindlessly with each other now.
Not accurate.
An armed guard stationed at Pulse engaged in a gun battle with the gunman outside the club, before the gunman ran back into the club to continue shooting. More police officers and SWAT team members responded to take down the gunman.
Gruler ran toward the entrance [off-duty officer inside the club] after hearing the shots. He was met by gunman Omar Mateen. Armed with a .223 caliber AR type rifle and a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, Mateen started exchanging gunfire with the officer. Gruler quickly realized he was outgunned and called for backup. Gruler retreated and Mateen ran further inside the club.
Gruler ran toward the entrance [off-duty officer inside the club] after hearing the shots. He was met by gunman Omar Mateen. Armed with a .223 caliber AR type rifle and a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, Mateen started exchanging gunfire with the officer. Gruler quickly realized he was outgunned and called for backup. Gruler retreated and Mateen ran further inside the club.
Gruler ran toward the entrance [off-duty officer inside the club] after hearing the shots. He was met by gunman Omar Mateen. Armed with a .223 caliber AR type rifle and a 9mm semiautomatic pistol, Mateen started exchanging gunfire with the officer. Gruler quickly realized he was outgunned and called for backup. Gruler retreated and Mateen ran further inside the club.
Some guys don't know how to handle the rejection very well.
Please go back to arguing mindlessly with each other now.
An armed guard stationed at Pulse engaged in a gun battle with the gunman outside the club, before the gunman ran back into the club to continue shooting. More police officers and SWAT team members responded to take down the gunman.
Please go back to making shit up.
The cop who was actually in the firefight disagrees with you. Don't let that stop you though.
I'm already back to celebrating our? 15th straight offseason natty now. 4-5 here we come!
We don't know if it was when he first arrived or if shots were already going.