i seriously don't get why all the retards get so excited about food trucks. Average food that costs more than it should while you wait on a sidewalk and try to eat with shitty little plastic utensils while holding a bowl of food in one hand and balancing your drink on whatever flat surface is nearby. fuck those trucks.
i seriously don't get why all the retards get so excited about food trucks. Average food that costs more than it should while you wait on a sidewalk and try to eat with shitty little plastic utensils while holding a bowl of food in one hand and balancing your drink on whatever flat surface is nearby. fuck those trucks.
Or you could overpay for fabulously labeled merlot that drinks like a cab
i seriously don't get why all the retards get so excited about food trucks. Average food that costs more than it should while you wait on a sidewalk and try to eat with shitty little plastic utensils while holding a bowl of food in one hand and balancing your drink on whatever flat surface is nearby. fuck those trucks.
i seriously don't get why all the retards get so excited about food trucks. Average food that costs more than it should while you wait on a sidewalk and try to eat with shitty little plastic utensils while holding a bowl of food in one hand and balancing your drink on whatever flat surface is nearby. fuck those trucks.
Try Portland. There are now tourists coming from other parts of the country to partake and marvel at Portland's world class food carts. You can't make this shit up. Nuke.Portland.Now.
Who is really the retard?
Either way, only interesting if #GravyOverEverything