America's fine for people who'd rather work than whine, beg, and bitch all day. Sure, there's a wealth gap, but there's way too many protesters, blamers and _______ Studies graduates who are merely reaping what they sowed with their own stupidity, bad decisions and inability to do anything but type on a keyboard.
The Clinton posters are really struggling. You've been wrong on Trump since he announced. Why stop now
What poster on this site has supported Hillary?
That you claim not to is amyuuuuuusing.
Read my posts, very clearly don't support Hillary. At least my head isn't shoved up Trump's ass.
It's so clear that everyone knows you support Hillary
Because the Truth hurts.
Ka-Boom! Done! Over! Capped in the Ass by Great Uncle Race, who bounced back at 60, bitches! If Great Uncle Race can rise from his wheelchair and jog the necessary walker-assisted miles to get his ass back in gear, why can't the Millies?
The Clinton posters are really struggling. You've been wrong on Trump since he announced. Why stop now
What poster on this site has supported Hillary?
That you claim not to is amyuuuuuusing.
Read my posts, very clearly don't support Hillary. At least my head isn't shoved up Trump's ass.
It's so clear that everyone knows you support Hillary
Because the Truth hurts.
Ka-Boom! Done! Over! Capped in the Ass by Great Uncle Race, who bounced back at 60, bitches! If Great Uncle Race can rise from his wheelchair and jog the necessary walker-assisted miles to get his ass back in gear, why can't the Millies?
Ka-Boom! Done! Over! Capped in the Ass by Great Uncle Race, who bounced back at 60, bitches! If Great Uncle Race can rise from his wheelchair and jog the necessary walker-assisted miles to get his ass back in gear, why can't the Millies?