How about advice on how to nail black Bremerton strippers?
Important distinction Billy. Babs could nail a hooker, but would still take work.. Strippers take cunning, good looks a moneyroll and big 4×4. No stripper kicking off her panties for Booby and his prius. 50 guys try every night for a stripper, takes only 1 puppy.
Only stealing $ from moms purse will get babs laid, and thats by a veiny fire crotch. Cash n cock is hard to find for her. However doesnt even take an introduction to pry mammys money out boobs wallet
Only stealing $ from moms purse will get babs laid, and thats by a veiny fire crotch. Cash n cock is hard to find for her. However doesnt even take an introduction to pry mammys money out boobs wallet