Bruce Jenner is a total knob as is anyone who refers to him as she. Did they swap out all of his Y chromosomes when they cut off his balls, fashioned his taint into a vag and carved the head of his penis into the shape of a clit? He's a guy and always will be. And only now this fucktard is realizing it's easier to meet the kind of heterosexual women he likes when you're packing guy parts? Seriously? He shoulda thought of that before seeing doctor hackmeup. Humpty dumpty couldn't be put back together again either, good luck Bruce, ya bearded cunt ya.
If you were born swinging lumber you are a lumberjack forever. If God stood you on your head and hit you between the legs with an axe (Thank You god!) you're a girl forever. You can play Frankenstein but it doesn't change shit.
Bruce Jenner is a total knob as is anyone who refers to him as she. Did they swap out all of his Y chromosomes when they cut off his balls, fashioned his taint into a vag and carved the head of his penis into the shape of a clit? He's a guy and always will be. And only now this fucktard is realizing it's easier to meet the kind of heterosexual women he likes when you're packing guy parts? Seriously? He shoulda thought of that before seeing doctor hackmeup. Humpty dumpty couldn't be put back together again either, good luck Bruce, ya bearded cunt ya.
Wait, what, he didn't actually "transition?
Magic 8 ball says no.
Magic 8 ball says no.
(Fuck auto correct!)