The only thing that can defeat a sitting SOTH is a stance against guns.
Ask Tom Foley ... and if you don't believe it ask Molestin' Dennis Hastert.
Bullshit. "Honest" Tom was voted out during the Republican Revolution in 1994. Voters were pissed off at Bill Clinton and sitting dems. Voters wanted them out. "Honest" Tom's opposition and federal suit to kill term limits was used like a sledge hammer by George Nethercutt to oust him.
Conservatives are tired of representatives just calling themselves conservative. Hence Trump. But not sure how they conclude a lifelong democrat is a conservative. But they're pissed and are just going for an outsider claiming he is. Ryan collapsed on the last giant Obozo budget which helped out the Donald.
The only thing that can defeat a sitting SOTH is a stance against guns.
Ask Tom Foley ... and if you don't believe it ask Molestin' Dennis Hastert.
Bullshit. "Honest" Tom was voted out during the Republican Revolution in 1994. Voters were pissed off at Bill Clinton and sitting dems. Voters wanted them out. "Honest" Tom's opposition and federal suit to kill term limits was used like a sledge hammer by George Nethercutt to oust him.
He was clearly out of the mainstream of Spokane and the district he represented.
Supporting a federal gun ban, along with all the accurate points you bring up did him in.
I highly doubt Paul Ryan will get beat by someone who is supported by Trump followers. Trump couldn't win Wisconsin, how this guy thinks he can beat the sitting SOTH is beyond me.
It is very difficult to beat a sitting SOTH ... even if he is hiding things like child molestation.
Great watered down reject fuckshow ad. Great job dumbing it down and not talking specifics. Asking for a debate or arm wrestle? How about you start with your position and logical support for it and we can decide if you're worth listening to? Fucker's too stupid to figure out he's in the wrong party! Christ!
Ask Tom Foley ... and if you don't believe it ask Molestin' Dennis Hastert.
Supporting a federal gun ban, along with all the accurate points you bring up did him in.
I highly doubt Paul Ryan will get beat by someone who is supported by Trump followers. Trump couldn't win Wisconsin, how this guy thinks he can beat the sitting SOTH is beyond me.
It is very difficult to beat a sitting SOTH ... even if he is hiding things like child molestation.
Dumb fuck.
Ho Lee Fuck