Also walking into a QB coach position where the #1 ranked QB out of high school is your sophomore starter. Tui should get a nice place by the beach, have all night parties at least twice a week, bang sluts two at a time, show up for the occasional UCLA practice and game, and then take his OC job in a couple years after Rosen is picked #1 overall
The article makes Rosen sound like a cunt. He better be good, both in college or he NFL because that personality won't work he's not all he's cracked up to be.
The article makes Rosen sound like a cunt. He better be good, both in college or he NFL because that personality won't work he's not all he's cracked up to be.
The article makes Rosen sound like a cunt. He better be good, both in college or he NFL because that personality won't work he's not all he's cracked up to be.