@VanillaSupport has not yet deigned to update their parser to keep up with Twatter. You've got to change "x.com" to "twitter.com" in the URL. Looking at you @HuskyJW ✅ Do this: http://twitter.com/tmobilepark/status/1695902374957867128?s=46 🚫 Not that: http://x.com/tmobilepark/status/1695902374957867128?s=46
It doesn't seem to matter https:// vs. http:// anymore.
An additional note for those paranoid about Big Tech (hai @pawz !!), when clicking the share button on the mobile Twatter apps, it will usually append a "&t=" query string parameter. That is almost certainly a unique tracking ID that identifies who shared that Twat, which then propagates out from there. You can safely remove everything after "?" in the URL
Seems really flakey whether any auto embed works anymore. Reels never work. Clean it up out hear @VanillaSupport . Same note with regard to tracking, remove everything after "?". igshid is the tracking token.
Works well via the full youtube.com URL or youtu.be short URL, except that @VanillaSupport includes the URL without a breaking space below the video now. Annoying. Youtube Shorts do not embed, at least I don't think so. The tracking token on Youtube is "si=". Remove that part.
Easy, just the URL. Query string is optional, nothing too creepy in there, just some basic Google Analytics tokens. https://soundcloud.com/user-301307024/tsio-teen-boi-stockin?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
I can't think of any other common embeds. But still, clean it up out here, guysm.
Most of that you might as well have been speaking Chinese. But hopefully I figured it out.