So now university students can't express a political preference?
This is a fucked up world when college kids can't get behind a candidate (or mock one) without the university officials giving their ok of political correctness.
When does the ban start on candidates passing out pamphlets/shaking hands at football gamedays?
Fuck them all.
It's because it's Trump, hth
I could give a fuck if it was Hitler, Louis Farrakhan or Gandhi - we are in a world of hurt if universities don't promote, encourage and allow free speech and expression. Sometime, the undeveloped brain of an 18-24 year old will come up with some crazy shit, but they need that exercise to become fully 'educated'.
We are so fucked.
Universities allow for free speech, as long as the free speech agrees with their agenda. It's been that way for a long time, except now it's becoming more and more socially accepted. Just consider it institutionalized brain washing.
I'm guessing there was a lot more written in the wall than "make America great again" and "Trump".
If there was I'm sure "your" sources would have printed it. So the lack of print suggests, it's again more weak minded, sissified, butt hurt college students needing more counseling.
I don't care if they support Trump, but building a levee around their house in preparation for an "when we had slaves" party is pretty tone deaf.
You might want to look up the "Old South" ball. Just because it's called the "Old South" ball doesn't mean it references slavery. Unless you find "Old South" itself as hate speech.
I don't care if they support Trump, but building a levee around their house in preparation for an "when we had slaves" party is pretty tone deaf.
You might want to look up the "Old South" ball. Just because it's called the "Old South" ball doesn't mean it references slavery. Unless you find "Old South" itself as hate speech.
"Old South" refers explicitly to the antebellum period, which I think it's not controversial to say can be equated to slavery.
So now university students can't express a political preference?
This is a fucked up world when college kids can't get behind a candidate (or mock one) without the university officials giving their ok of political correctness.
When does the ban start on candidates passing out pamphlets/shaking hands at football gamedays?
Fuck them all.
It's because it's Trump, hth
I could give a fuck if it was Hitler, Louis Farrakhan or Gandhi - we are in a world of hurt if universities don't promote, encourage and allow free speech and expression. Sometime, the undeveloped brain of an 18-24 year old will come up with some crazy shit, but they need that exercise to become fully 'educated'.
We are so fucked.
Universities allow for free speech, as long as the free speech agrees with their agenda. It's been that way for a long time, except now it's becoming more and more socially accepted. Just consider it institutionalized brain washing.
As part of the local chapter's annual tradition, it has pledges build a wall around its private property each spring ahead of its 'Old South' formal ball, according to The Times-Picayune.
See the old folks, tying white ropes. Hear the banjo going to take you down home
Great song, albeit late enough to the party to be misguided
Great response from a group of Floridians