Pintos, Vegas, Gremlins, Pacers, and the like. The gas crunch that begat those devil spawn also made late 60's/early 70's, Camaros, Mustangs, Novas, Chargers, Challengers, 442's, Cudas, Chevelles, etc, etc, cheap. Fun times.
AC/DC with Bon is the top of the heap of rock. With Brian Johnson, it's still better than 97% of the shit people call rock.
But since Bon is dead, and Brian is deaf, they found a way to finish their tour because they're not a bunch of fucking pussies that quit in the middle of something.
I give them props for that. If you don't, then you're probably a faggot that listened to Poison and Cinderella.
Agree but I also have Poison and Cinderella on my play list. I'm not your fool and probably 5 fag Poison songs
then again I am a faggot so don't judge me
If you say Winger is on your list, I'm done supporting any future runs at the White House you might embark on..
AC/DC with Bon is the top of the heap of rock. With Brian Johnson, it's still better than 97% of the shit people call rock.
But since Bon is dead, and Brian is deaf, they found a way to finish their tour because they're not a bunch of fucking pussies that quit in the middle of something.
I give them props for that. If you don't, then you're probably a faggot that listened to Poison and Cinderella.
Agree but I also have Poison and Cinderella on my play list. I'm not your fool and probably 5 fag Poison songs
then again I am a faggot so don't judge me
If you say Winger is on your list, I'm done supporting any future runs at the White House you might embark on..
Your vote is safe with me. Only top tier faggot hair bands make my list