How about we bring back colonialism and say fuck the middle east. Fuck the idea of liberating countries just to see them pussy out and not even defend themselves. They want to be independent so bad, they can nut up and kick the bad guys out themselves or they can fuck off and become an American territory where none of that shit will be allowed to happen. Fuck em.
Yeah, that's a bunch of nonsense. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Middle East is committing themselves to violent jihad because of the offensive words of Donald Trump.
What does propel otherwise normal third-world Muslims (who haven't already joined ISIS because of economic reasons) to jihad, however, is when their family members are killed as collateral damage in air strikes carried out by the West.
there will always been collateral involved. the difference is that the US doesn't intend to kill non-combatants, it's an unfortunate reality of warfare. especially when terrorists often hide behind innocents...
on the other hand, collateral damage is entire purpose of carrying out terror attacks.
you can't just do nothing in return when a violent group attacks your civilian population. and you certainly can't give these groups a free pass into your country
I don't disagree, but the asymmetry of the situation highlights just how difficult of a crisis this is. We have to have a heavy hand as we're fighting insurgents, but we also have to be cognizant of the fact that if not carried out tactically enough, our attacks could create more terrorists than they eliminate. And then there's the issue of many young Syrians, Iraqis, Libyans, etc. turning to ISIS because they have no other economic prospects. Obviously those countries need to be rebuilt to the point where jihad isn't the only feasible career path, but how do we accomplish that? Especially when our last couple "rebuilding efforts" have been such resounding failures.
That's exactly what is a happening now. Sniper bombing isn't working
Which is really something only military experts can accurately comment on. It would seem that our drone and surveillance technology should have progressed to the point where we can take out targets without killing innocents. Yet time and time again we are finding that collateral damage is still occurring. Hell, it was just six months ago that we accidentally took out a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Is our technology still not developed enough to avoid these situations? Are these just cases of incompetence on the parts of the military personnel carrying out the attacks?
I don't pretend to know what the answer is, or what the best approach going forward is. It's an extremely complex foreign policy issue, and I'm not convinced it's one we'll ever solve. It may take generations for ISIS and other violent jihadist groups to die off on their own.
It's a religious war. You think, they'll just die naturally? WTF? This is built in to their radical religion. This isn't going to stop until they are neutralized.
Yeah, that's a bunch of nonsense. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Middle East is committing themselves to violent jihad because of the offensive words of Donald Trump.
What does propel otherwise normal third-world Muslims (who haven't already joined ISIS because of economic reasons) to jihad, however, is when their family members are killed as collateral damage in air strikes carried out by the West.
there will always been collateral involved. the difference is that the US doesn't intend to kill non-combatants, it's an unfortunate reality of warfare. especially when terrorists often hide behind innocents...
on the other hand, collateral damage is entire purpose of carrying out terror attacks.
you can't just do nothing in return when a violent group attacks your civilian population. and you certainly can't give these groups a free pass into your country
I don't disagree, but the asymmetry of the situation highlights just how difficult of a crisis this is. We have to have a heavy hand as we're fighting insurgents, but we also have to be cognizant of the fact that if not carried out tactically enough, our attacks could create more terrorists than they eliminate. And then there's the issue of many young Syrians, Iraqis, Libyans, etc. turning to ISIS because they have no other economic prospects. Obviously those countries need to be rebuilt to the point where jihad isn't the only feasible career path, but how do we accomplish that? Especially when our last couple "rebuilding efforts" have been such resounding failures.
That's exactly what is a happening now. Sniper bombing isn't working
Which is really something only military experts can accurately comment on. It would seem that our drone and surveillance technology should have progressed to the point where we can take out targets without killing innocents. Yet time and time again we are finding that collateral damage is still occurring. Hell, it was just six months ago that we accidentally took out a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Is our technology still not developed enough to avoid these situations? Are these just cases of incompetence on the parts of the military personnel carrying out the attacks?
I don't pretend to know what the answer is, or what the best approach going forward is. It's an extremely complex foreign policy issue, and I'm not convinced it's one we'll ever solve. It may take generations for ISIS and other violent jihadist groups to die off on their own.
It's a religious war. You think, they'll just die naturally? WTF? This is built in to their radical religion. This isn't going to stop until they are neutralized.
Does that mean we cut their balls off?
Why do that? Just have them adopt our left wing bleeding heart agenda, and they'll just fall off.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
It was "tongue and cheek" to the main point. Israel is the root of the problem. As long as we support Israel, then we are a target. So, you have to destroy the aggressor. That's the only way to support Israel and not be at constant state of war.
Giving them resources only multiplies the problem.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
What if the Palestians had been building a country since 1948 and all the Arab neighbors who love them so much had helped out. Israel built an economic power of a democracy right next door to a cesspool of death and despair.
And that is Israel's fault, not the leaders of the cesspool who chose the pursuit of death over life.
Israel could LEAVE tomorrow and the next day the little sand savages would still be dealing in death.
But in your mind they fly planes into buildings over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had
And the shitheads that did fly the planes came from middle class and rich families. The Bin Ladens are very wealthy.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
What if the Palestians had been building a country since 1948 and all the Arab neighbors who love them so much had helped out. Israel built an economic power of a democracy right next door to a cesspool of death and despair.
And that is Israel's fault, not the leaders of the cesspool who chose the pursuit of death over life.
Israel could LEAVE tomorrow and the next day the little sand savages would still be dealing in death.
But in your mind they fly planes into buildings over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had
And the shitheads that did fly the planes came from middle class and rich families. The Bin Ladens are very wealthy.
This is true. They do fly planes into building over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had.
They aren't rational, but where in history are religious disputes ever rational? This group is full of crazies that would love nothing more than to blow up Israel and claim the Islamic mythical land they feel they are entitled to.
If we left Israel alone to be wiped out, we'd see the end of the conflict on our side, but we aren't going to let that happen, so we have to destroy ISIS, and the radical Islamic state that support it.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
What if the Palestians had been building a country since 1948 and all the Arab neighbors who love them so much had helped out. Israel built an economic power of a democracy right next door to a cesspool of death and despair.
And that is Israel's fault, not the leaders of the cesspool who chose the pursuit of death over life.
Israel could LEAVE tomorrow and the next day the little sand savages would still be dealing in death.
But in your mind they fly planes into buildings over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had
And the shitheads that did fly the planes came from middle class and rich families. The Bin Ladens are very wealthy.
This is true. They do fly planes into building over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had.
They aren't rational, but where in history are religious disputes ever rational? This group is full of crazies that would love nothing more than to blow up Israel and claim the Islamic mythical land they feel they are entitled to.
If we left Israel alone to be wiped out we'd see the end of the conflict on our side, but we aren't going to let that happen, so we have to destroy ISIS, and the radical Islamic state that support it.
Isreal isn't getting wiped out
Muslims had their chance 50 years ago, and got assfucked by the Israelis.
Is Israeli part of the problem in brokering a peace? Sure.
Palestine and friends are 1,000,000 times more of an issue.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
What if the Palestians had been building a country since 1948 and all the Arab neighbors who love them so much had helped out. Israel built an economic power of a democracy right next door to a cesspool of death and despair.
And that is Israel's fault, not the leaders of the cesspool who chose the pursuit of death over life.
Israel could LEAVE tomorrow and the next day the little sand savages would still be dealing in death.
But in your mind they fly planes into buildings over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had
And the shitheads that did fly the planes came from middle class and rich families. The Bin Ladens are very wealthy.
This is true. They do fly planes into building over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had.
They aren't rational, but where in history are religious disputes ever rational? This group is full of crazies that would love nothing more than to blow up Israel and claim the Islamic mythical land they feel they are entitled to.
If we left Israel alone to be wiped out we'd see the end of the conflict on our side, but we aren't going to let that happen, so we have to destroy ISIS, and the radical Islamic state that support it.
Isreal isn't getting wiped out
Muslims had their chance 50 years ago, and got assfucked by the Israelis.
Is Israeli part of the problem in brokering a peace? Sure.
Palestine and friends are 1,000,000 times more of an issue.
I agree. But what I'm saying in the mind of ISIS, Israel just being there is the root of the problem. Israel and any nation that supports them, is subject to ISIS attacks. So if Israel is our ally, we need to quit fucking around and kick some ass.
Yeah, that's a bunch of nonsense. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Middle East is committing themselves to violent jihad because of the offensive words of Donald Trump.
What does propel otherwise normal third-world Muslims (who haven't already joined ISIS because of economic reasons) to jihad, however, is when their family members are killed as collateral damage in air strikes carried out by the West.
there will always been collateral involved. the difference is that the US doesn't intend to kill non-combatants, it's an unfortunate reality of warfare. especially when terrorists often hide behind innocents...
on the other hand, collateral damage is entire purpose of carrying out terror attacks.
you can't just do nothing in return when a violent group attacks your civilian population. and you certainly can't give these groups a free pass into your country
That absolute statement is Bullshit.
Name one war where there wasn't some form of collateral damage...
Thought so
Didn't say there was one. But if you think that some collateral damage isn't intentional, I have a bridge, er wall to sell you.
Yeah, that's a bunch of nonsense. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Middle East is committing themselves to violent jihad because of the offensive words of Donald Trump.
What does propel otherwise normal third-world Muslims (who haven't already joined ISIS because of economic reasons) to jihad, however, is when their family members are killed as collateral damage in air strikes carried out by the West.
there will always been collateral involved. the difference is that the US doesn't intend to kill non-combatants, it's an unfortunate reality of warfare. especially when terrorists often hide behind innocents...
on the other hand, collateral damage is entire purpose of carrying out terror attacks.
you can't just do nothing in return when a violent group attacks your civilian population. and you certainly can't give these groups a free pass into your country
That absolute statement is Bullshit.
Name one war where there wasn't some form of collateral damage...
Thought so
Didn't say there was one. But if you think that some collateral damage isn't intentional, I have a bridge, er wall to sell you.
I agree here. Dresden and Tokyo were designed to get the civilians to quit, as were the A bombs, along with saving us an invasion.
I think our attempts to limit collateral damage began about the time we stopped winning wars. But the damage continued.
Yeah, that's a bunch of nonsense. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Middle East is committing themselves to violent jihad because of the offensive words of Donald Trump.
What does propel otherwise normal third-world Muslims (who haven't already joined ISIS because of economic reasons) to jihad, however, is when their family members are killed as collateral damage in air strikes carried out by the West.
there will always been collateral involved. the difference is that the US doesn't intend to kill non-combatants, it's an unfortunate reality of warfare. especially when terrorists often hide behind innocents...
on the other hand, collateral damage is entire purpose of carrying out terror attacks.
you can't just do nothing in return when a violent group attacks your civilian population. and you certainly can't give these groups a free pass into your country
That absolute statement is Bullshit.
Name one war where there wasn't some form of collateral damage...
Thought so
Didn't say there was one. But if you think that some collateral damage isn't intentional, I have a bridge, er wall to sell you.
Intentional vs going out of your way to cause collateral damage. If you know a terrorist leader is in his bedroom sleeping, you drop the bomb on his bedroom right? Now if his wife is sleeping next to him, does that mean you don't drop it? So that's intentional collateral damage. You're not going out of your way to do it, but when an opportunity comes and you are in war, some things just have to be done.
But yes, like Race said, you are either in war or not in war. If you are in war there is some collateral damage that needs to be expected and accepted if you're going to win the war. All in or lose, is basically the point Race and many of us are making..
Yeah, that's a bunch of nonsense. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Middle East is committing themselves to violent jihad because of the offensive words of Donald Trump.
What does propel otherwise normal third-world Muslims (who haven't already joined ISIS because of economic reasons) to jihad, however, is when their family members are killed as collateral damage in air strikes carried out by the West.
there will always been collateral involved. the difference is that the US doesn't intend to kill non-combatants, it's an unfortunate reality of warfare. especially when terrorists often hide behind innocents...
on the other hand, collateral damage is entire purpose of carrying out terror attacks.
you can't just do nothing in return when a violent group attacks your civilian population. and you certainly can't give these groups a free pass into your country
That absolute statement is Bullshit.
Name one war where there wasn't some form of collateral damage...
Thought so
Didn't say there was one. But if you think that some collateral damage isn't intentional, I have a bridge, er wall to sell you.
Intentional vs going out of your way to cause collateral damage. If you know a terrorist leader is in his bedroom sleeping, you drop the bomb on his bedroom right? Now if his wife is sleeping next to him, does that mean you don't drop it? So that's intentional collateral damage. You're not going out of your way to do it, but when an opportunity comes and you are in war, some things just have to be done.
But yes, like Race said, you are either in war or not in war. If you are in war there is some collateral damage that needs to be expected and accepted if you're going to win the war. All in or lose, is basically the point Race and many of us are making..
I agree, In order to make an omelet you have to break some eggs. And sometimes you know there will be collateral damage in the process. I was calling bs to the blanket post that said that our policy doesn't allow for collateral damage, because we will do it. If we have a situation where we can save a thousand other lives by taking a hundred innocent ones, we'll do it.
Yeah, that's a bunch of nonsense. I don't believe for a second that anyone in the Middle East is committing themselves to violent jihad because of the offensive words of Donald Trump.
What does propel otherwise normal third-world Muslims (who haven't already joined ISIS because of economic reasons) to jihad, however, is when their family members are killed as collateral damage in air strikes carried out by the West.
there will always been collateral involved. the difference is that the US doesn't intend to kill non-combatants, it's an unfortunate reality of warfare. especially when terrorists often hide behind innocents...
on the other hand, collateral damage is entire purpose of carrying out terror attacks.
you can't just do nothing in return when a violent group attacks your civilian population. and you certainly can't give these groups a free pass into your country
That absolute statement is Bullshit.
Thanks for the enlightening rebuttal...
If you truly believe that the US doesn't or hasn't strike knowing there will be collateral damage. I can't help you.
That's not what I believe. At all...lmao
They fucking know there will be collateral. I know there will be collateral. Everyone knows it. It's what happens during a conflict.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
What if the Palestians had been building a country since 1948 and all the Arab neighbors who love them so much had helped out. Israel built an economic power of a democracy right next door to a cesspool of death and despair.
And that is Israel's fault, not the leaders of the cesspool who chose the pursuit of death over life.
Israel could LEAVE tomorrow and the next day the little sand savages would still be dealing in death.
But in your mind they fly planes into buildings over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had
And the shitheads that did fly the planes came from middle class and rich families. The Bin Ladens are very wealthy.
Nice right wing narrative and way to put words in my mouth
Some might deal in death but it wouldn't be widespread.
I don't want to sound like Hondo but your news sources aren't giving you the full picture.
Go ahead, continue your rants though. Get it out of your system buddy.
Either nuke the whole continent or go for systematic genocide. I think nukes are cheaper but radiation is a bitch. Maybe we can just carpet bomb without nukes. Make Mecca a Disneyworld Resort.
So I guess we need to be accepting and kind. That will make the terrorists stop...
Certain people just shouldn't reproduce.
Didn't the twat Harf tell us they just need jobs?
"We’re killing a lot of them and we’re going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They’re in this fight with us. But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs, whether…"
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
It's both. They would care a lot less about the social issues if Israel wasn't an issue. I don't think they take the time, money, and resources to come over here on Visas, train to fly planes, and then ram them into buildings just because we're tolerant of gays.
What if the Palestians had been building a country since 1948 and all the Arab neighbors who love them so much had helped out. Israel built an economic power of a democracy right next door to a cesspool of death and despair.
And that is Israel's fault, not the leaders of the cesspool who chose the pursuit of death over life.
Israel could LEAVE tomorrow and the next day the little sand savages would still be dealing in death.
But in your mind they fly planes into buildings over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had
And the shitheads that did fly the planes came from middle class and rich families. The Bin Ladens are very wealthy.
Nice right wing narrative and way to put words in my mouth
Some might deal in death but it wouldn't be widespread.
I don't want to sound like Hondo but your news sources aren't giving you the full picture.
Go ahead, continue your rants though. Get it out of your system buddy.
Israel should move to Baja like Adam Carolla has been saying forever. The Arab governments would just implode if they didn't have the Israeli scapegoat to pin their internal issues on to their people. Israel has provided a great common mythical enemy.
"We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people…"
The left want to say it's a socio-economic problem when it's a religious issue. They can have all the wealth in the world, but like Race says, they'll still hate us for our designer clothes, equally of women, equality of race, acceptance of gays and transgenders, and our support for Israel. Giving them more money, just gives them more resources to cause further damage.
Giving them resources only multiplies the problem.
And that is Israel's fault, not the leaders of the cesspool who chose the pursuit of death over life.
Israel could LEAVE tomorrow and the next day the little sand savages would still be dealing in death.
But in your mind they fly planes into buildings over a homeland that is a myth and none of them ever had
And the shitheads that did fly the planes came from middle class and rich families. The Bin Ladens are very wealthy.
They aren't rational, but where in history are religious disputes ever rational? This group is full of crazies that would love nothing more than to blow up Israel and claim the Islamic mythical land they feel they are entitled to.
If we left Israel alone to be wiped out, we'd see the end of the conflict on our side, but we aren't going to let that happen, so we have to destroy ISIS, and the radical Islamic state that support it.
Muslims had their chance 50 years ago, and got assfucked by the Israelis.
Is Israeli part of the problem in brokering a peace? Sure.
Palestine and friends are 1,000,000 times more of an issue.
I think our attempts to limit collateral damage began about the time we stopped winning wars. But the damage continued.
Hence my total war or no war platform
But yes, like Race said, you are either in war or not in war. If you are in war there is some collateral damage that needs to be expected and accepted if you're going to win the war. All in or lose, is basically the point Race and many of us are making..
They fucking know there will be collateral. I know there will be collateral. Everyone knows it. It's what happens during a conflict.
Some might deal in death but it wouldn't be widespread.
I don't want to sound like Hondo but your news sources aren't giving you the full picture.
Go ahead, continue your rants though. Get it out of your system buddy.
What was my rant? The facts you can't refute?