If you hate on Bieber Trump you are a true moron. A 71 year old kid with endless amounts of money and every woman at his fingertips is going to be a dick sometimes.
Being a dipshit and ordering 21 pizzas and not leaving a tip ... that's pretty low. Particularly when you have the money that that guy has. Not saying that you need to leave a huge tip ... but the pies probably came to somewhere around $400-$500 ... leave 10% and call it good.
Would you prefer he didn't spend 500 bucks on pizza at all?
I'm all for tipping, especially when you have 'fuck you money' like Beiber, but it was take out pizza.
Isn't the idea of takeout you do the place a service by giving them fair warning to prepare your pizza and not clog up delivery routes? In exchange, you don't get hit with a delivery fee or have to tip the guy who did you the service of bringing it to you.
I don't know, 10% would have been nice, but getting pissed he didn't tip is over the top.
Kid does a lot of blow (not salt dust like CollegeDoog) and drives around his residential neighborhood going 90 in a 200k whip
I'm all for tipping, especially when you have 'fuck you money' like Beiber, but it was take out pizza.
Isn't the idea of takeout you do the place a service by giving them fair warning to prepare your pizza and not clog up delivery routes? In exchange, you don't get hit with a delivery fee or have to tip the guy who did you the service of bringing it to you.
I don't know, 10% would have been nice, but getting pissed he didn't tip is over the top.