Haha 'brilliant clip you'll never forget?" I saw nothing remotely close to brilliant. Just a lot of grasping at straws. So FS logic says Trump doesn't like protesters at his rallies; therefore, it's his fault a bunch of racist #blacklivesmatter provocateurs showed up to cause trouble. I guess if you're 'It's Pat', that logic makes sense?
Trump talking about putting protesters in stretchers is crazy and needs to stop. But these "paid" liberal disrupters need to stop as well. They are purposely provoking fights hoping it gets news. Both sides are FS, and are making things way worse than what they really are.
Some of these "protesters" are disrupters, not protesters. Trump may be going a little overboard, but using violence to stop his first amendment right is hypocritical. Typical liberal bullshit. You can speak your mind only as long as you agree with them. If you don't, you get labeled and forcibly prevented from having a platform. Most protesters have been non-violent, and completely acceptable, but the professional thugs that showed up in Chicago need to get a life. They came looking for a fight, and represent the most lazy, entitled, and worthless dirt bags this country has to offer.
Trump talking about putting protesters in stretchers is crazy and needs to stop. But these "paid" liberal disrupters need to stop as well. They are purposely provoking fights hoping it gets news. Both sides are FS, and are making things way worse than what they really are.
Some of these "protesters" are disrupters, not protesters. Trump may be going a little overboard, but using violence to stop his first amendment right is hypocritical. Typical liberal bullshit. You can speak your mind only as long as you agree with them. If you don't, you get labeled and forcibly prevented from having a platform. Most protesters have been non-violent, and completely acceptable, but the professional thugs that showed up in Chicago need to get a life. They came looking for a fight, and represent the most lazy, entitled, and worthless dirt bags this country has to offer.
Some of these "protesters" are disrupters, not protesters. Trump may be going a little overboard, but using violence to stop his first amendment right is hypocritical. Typical liberal bullshit. You can speak your mind only as long as you agree with them. If you don't, you get labeled and forcibly prevented from having a platform. Most protesters have been non-violent, and completely acceptable, but the professional thugs that showed up in Chicago need to get a life. They came looking for a fight, and represent the most lazy, entitled, and worthless dirt bags this country has to offer.