Just watched the last episode. Agree that it starts slow, after the first episode I thought I might be out on it, but oh boy it picked up. I got annoyed at the whole they're gonna get caught by Hammerstein part, I just want them to do fucked up shit and get away with it, but I like where they took it. Rip Meechum.
Just watched the last episode. Agree that it starts slow, after the first episode I thought I might be out on it, but oh boy it picked up. I got annoyed at the whole they're gonna get caught by Hammerstein part, I just want them to do fucked up shit and get away with it, but I like where they took it. Rip Meechum.
Not like Kari Wurhrer anyway.
Just watched the last episode. Agree that it starts slow, after the first episode I thought I might be out on it, but oh boy it picked up. I got annoyed at the whole they're gonna get caught by Hammerstein part, I just want them to do fucked up shit and get away with it, but I like where they took it. Rip Meechum.
I had the streaming for 3 or 4 months and the selection sucked.
season 3 wasn't all that great, hopefully this one is better