Trump should send Mitt a fruit basket as a thank you for helping him like this.
I agree.
These guys are morons. 80% of Trump's support was firm, but now it's probably going to jump to 90%.
These idiots seem to not understand that Americans voting for Trump are the ones that feel they have been silenced for too long. So when "establishment" politicians call them suckers, and calls for their votes to be silenced, more of this group is going to come out of the woodwork and point a big middle finger to the establishment.
This is probably the greatest endorsement Trump could have ever received. Voters are now seeing the establishment trying to manipulate the voting system. People "knew" it was going on, but now they are seeing it blatantly being done first hand. Trump is going to see a 5-10% jump from this. Mitt and Mccain have helped Trump more than Mexico's former president and the Pope could have ever dreamed.
Trump needs to ignore the ankle biters tonight. I'm sure he won't but he should. He should start the General Election campaign.
What would be so "money" (yes Swingers line) is if Trump gets asked the question, then plays a tape recording into the microphone of Mitt's 2012 presser of him praising his endorsement. Then saying sarcastically, "I'm so confused, I'll let you guys figure that one out."
The bought and paid for republican RHINO establishment hates Trump and Cruz. So now they trot out Mitt to sling mud. They're scared and getting desperate.
I love it when people are Trump supporters throw out the RINO label. Nobody personifies a republican in name only more than a fiscal liberal who gave money to Hillary and was a registered democrat just a few years ago.
If you want to support Trump go for it. I understand his appeal though he doesn't appeal to me. But please spare me the RINO slam for those who oppose him. Trump is as RINO as it gets.
I'm not a Trump guy. Too may flips from his previously democrat self.
Trump needs to ignore the ankle biters tonight. I'm sure he won't but he should. He should start the General Election campaign.
I think he will.
He'll start rising above, I was shocked to find out one of my employees never watched a debate and plans to watch her first one tonight is see what the fuss is about.
If Trump comes out Presidential he'll make all the other candidates look stupid.
These guys are morons. 80% of Trump's support was firm, but now it's probably going to jump to 90%.
These idiots seem to not understand that Americans voting for Trump are the ones that feel they have been silenced for too long. So when "establishment" politicians call them suckers, and calls for their votes to be silenced, more of this group is going to come out of the woodwork and point a big middle finger to the establishment.
This is probably the greatest endorsement Trump could have ever received. Voters are now seeing the establishment trying to manipulate the voting system. People "knew" it was going on, but now they are seeing it blatantly being done first hand. Trump is going to see a 5-10% jump from this. Mitt and Mccain have helped Trump more than Mexico's former president and the Pope could have ever dreamed.
He'll start rising above, I was shocked to find out one of my employees never watched a debate and plans to watch her first one tonight is see what the fuss is about.
If Trump comes out Presidential he'll make all the other candidates look stupid.