I'm not up on the news this week so don't know the context, but my guess is that most liberal Republicans fear the idea of Trump as the (R) nomination because if would serve as further proof that the (R) party is being taken over by dumbshits (not that the (D) party is doing any better).
Nobody realizes that Trump is holding his tax history back for leverage.
Hillary is going to come at him and ask to see his taxes ... and he will say when you release your Whitewater paper, or your emails, or your speeches to Wall Street.
Many conservatives fear Trump because he's not really a conservative and if elected, will probably be a centrist economically and center-left socially.
It will be hilarious when he tells the far right who got him nominated "A wall? You didn't actually think I was serious about that did you?"
Many conservatives fear Trump because he's not really a conservative and if elected, will probably be a centrist economically and center-left socially.
It will be hilarious when he tells the far right who got him nominated "A wall? You didn't actually think I was serious about that did you?"
Conservative voters don't fear Trump, conservative groups fear Trump. Trump is self funding his campaign, which means nobody owns him. Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, etc. all have to answer to political lobbyists who gave them money. This makes Trump a wild card, which scares these groups. He can do whatever the hell he wants. Sanders might fit this mold too. I don't know for sure, but there might be some public funding from social groups for Sanders that he's having to answer to. But I'm not sure on that. I do know for sure, Trump answers to Trump.
This above all else makes a Trump a winner. He doesn't need groups to fund him for support. In some ways he's running an old school campaign, before corporations, social groups, unions, etc. took control of the political landscape. People understand that what Trump says, is from Trump. This connects him to the people in ways, no other candidate can. This is why Trump will win the nomination, and will win in November.
Nobody realizes that Trump is holding his tax history back for leverage.
Hillary is going to come at him and ask to see his taxes ... and he will say when you release your Whitewater paper, or your emails, or your speeches to Wall Street.
Boom ... roasted ... she'll shut the fuck up.
Or she'll show him her already released tax returns.
If Donald Trump being the front runner for the Republican nominee for President doesn't scare the shit out of you, you're either numb, blind or both.
It's not because He's mean to Muslims, Immigrants or hot blondes. It's because every Sunday when He's on MTP or FTN, he babbles incoherently when questioned and/or cornered and can reverse his position in the same paragraph.
If ever there were an empty suit that is running for President, He's the one. It's amazing how many can be dazzled by trophy brides and assets built on houses of cards.
If Donald Trump being the front runner for the Republican nominee for President doesn't scare the shit out of you, you're either numb, blind or both.
It's not because He's mean to Muslims, Immigrants or hot blondes. It's because every Sunday when He's on MTP or FTN, he babbles incoherently when questioned and/or cornered and can reverse his position in the same paragraph.
If ever there were an empty suit that is running for President, He's the one. It's amazing how many can be dazzled by trophy brides and assets built on houses of cards.
Everyone here knows it's not about trophies... It's how you perform against the spread.
Trump really is no conservative, other than for his love of walls and military spending. And even then there are conservative arguments to be made against those issues. He's just a pre-1968 Democrat.
So it's strange to say the least that people will vote for Trump largely based on his charisma and ability to project through the media, when those are always the first criticisms that conservatives level against Obama.
Romney loses at life, and Trump beats it to a pulp.
Hillary is going to come at him and ask to see his taxes ... and he will say when you release your Whitewater paper, or your emails, or your speeches to Wall Street.
Boom ... roasted ... she'll shut the fuck up.
It will be hilarious when he tells the far right who got him nominated "A wall? You didn't actually think I was serious about that did you?"
This above all else makes a Trump a winner. He doesn't need groups to fund him for support. In some ways he's running an old school campaign, before corporations, social groups, unions, etc. took control of the political landscape. People understand that what Trump says, is from Trump. This connects him to the people in ways, no other candidate can. This is why Trump will win the nomination, and will win in November.
United Stated of Pussies
It's not because He's mean to Muslims, Immigrants or hot blondes. It's because every Sunday when He's on MTP or FTN, he babbles incoherently when questioned and/or cornered and can reverse his position in the same paragraph.
If ever there were an empty suit that is running for President, He's the one. It's amazing how many can be dazzled by trophy brides and assets built on houses of cards.
So it's strange to say the least that people will vote for Trump largely based on his charisma and ability to project through the media, when those are always the first criticisms that conservatives level against Obama.