Chin himself started the whole Chincredible thing with his twatter account. It just took over the board organically.
Give it enough time and it'll go away. Keep showing sensitivity and we? will keep doing it.
Some of these fucking phrases take a year or longer to die.
I don't know if the Fab 3 5 can take it that long.
Sounds like a personal problem. Maybe we should call you the Fragile 5?
tee hee
You're confusing being offended with being annoyed.
I'm not saying you're offended. I just don't know why this chin shit bothers some. There are so many other jokes on this board (oh, I'm supposed to type "bored" tee hee) that have been repeated more than 23000 times. Do any of those bother you? If not, why not?
I think it's because it broke the 4th wall with the "Chincredible" button.
You can pick and choose which childish, repetitive bullshit gags to follow, but it's sort of amateur hour to switch the awesome button permanently.
If anything just add a "Chinsightful" button as a secondary flag and appease both sides.
It might have been this very post that denied @Doogles top ten status
Chin himself started the whole Chincredible thing with his twatter account. It just took over the board organically.
Give it enough time and it'll go away. Keep showing sensitivity and we? will keep doing it.
Some of these fucking phrases take a year or longer to die.
I don't know if the Fab 3 5 can take it that long.
Sounds like a personal problem. Maybe we should call you the Fragile 5?
tee hee
You're confusing being offended with being annoyed.
I'm not saying you're offended. I just don't know why this chin shit bothers some. There are so many other jokes on this board (oh, I'm supposed to type "bored" tee hee) that have been repeated more than 23000 times. Do any of those bother you? If not, why not?
I think it's because it broke the 4th wall with the "Chincredible" button.
You can pick and choose which childish, repetitive bullshit gags to follow, but it's sort of amateur hour to switch the awesome button permanently.
If anything just add a "Chinsightful" button as a secondary flag and appease both sides.
It might have been this very post that denied @Doogles top ten status
Awesomed doogles. Sorry I cant press the #% $+credible button. Its like a new hip diet. Its cute for 4 weeks, everyone is doing it but the novelty soon wears off, the grasses and garbonzo beens get old fast and suddenly your stuffing 6 double cheeseburgers right back down your fatass and you ballon to weights never in your life seen before. Why fuck with the diet to begin with. You werent that fat anyway and why change something that was perfectly ok? Come on Derek bring the awesome back. Dont waste your hard earned money and reputation on the beany babies or the beiber album (you told your friend you bought for J.
Chin himself started the whole Chincredible thing with his twatter account. It just took over the board organically.
Give it enough time and it'll go away. Keep showing sensitivity and we? will keep doing it.
Some of these fucking phrases take a year or longer to die.
I don't know if the Fab 3 5 can take it that long.
Sounds like a personal problem. Maybe we should call you the Fragile 5?
tee hee
You're confusing being offended with being annoyed.
I'm not saying you're offended. I just don't know why this chin shit bothers some. There are so many other jokes on this board (oh, I'm supposed to type "bored" tee hee) that have been repeated more than 23000 times. Do any of those bother you? If not, why not?
I think it's because it broke the 4th wall with the "Chincredible" button.
You can pick and choose which childish, repetitive bullshit gags to follow, but it's sort of amateur hour to switch the awesome button permanently.
If anything just add a "Chinsightful" button as a secondary flag and appease both sides.
It might have been this very post that denied @Doogles top ten status
Awesomed doogles. Sorry I cant press the #% $+credible button. Its like a new hip diet. Its cute for 4 weeks, everyone is doing it but the novelty soon wears off, the grasses and garbonzo beens get old fast and suddenly your stuffing 6 double cheeseburgers right back down your fatass and you ballon to weights never in your life seen before. Why fuck with the diet to begin with. You werent that fat anyway and why change something that was perfectly ok? Come on Derek bring the awesome back. Dont waste your hard earned money and reputation on the beany babies or the beiber album (you told your friend you bought for J.
@DerekJohnson in light to Chins departure and likely removal of the chincredible button some time in the next 15, 30, maybe 300 days can we replace it with a "not your wyrsch effort" or "I've seen wyrsch" button to replace it?
@DerekJohnson in light to Chins departure and likely removal of the chincredible button some time in the next 15, 30, maybe 300 days can we replace it with a "not your wyrsch effort" or "I've seen wyrsch" button to replace it?
@DerekJohnson in light to Chins departure and likely removal of the chincredible button some time in the next 15, 30, maybe 300 days can we replace it with a "not your wyrsch effort" or "I've seen wyrsch" button to replace it?
Have it on my desk before the new year.
TYFYS in advance.
Uhh, you don't have a desk bruh
Whose desk have I been keeping my whiskey and heroin in then?
@DerekJohnson in light to Chins departure and likely removal of the chincredible button some time in the next 15, 30, maybe 300 days can we replace it with a "not your wyrsch effort" or "I've seen wyrsch" button to replace it?
Have it on my desk before the new year.
TYFYS in advance.
Uhh, you don't have a desk bruh
Whose desk have I been keeping my whiskey and heroin in then?
BTW t he Stevens Pass ad. Thats puppy . Steel2, Yobates? That my Red Patagonia. Remember that day on the backside? Ill be going after Stevens for free beer and hamburguesas at the lodge for using my likeness. Steel2? Remember when I kept lapping you on Barrier? I stopped for a vodka-tonic and still buzzed your tower on my KVC 205's.
You pussy millennials ski on shaped 165's and cant make turns. Try wet pow on 210's.
Have it on my desk before the new year.
TYFYS in advance.