Stick to Reading, Writing and Math. All these SJWs in the schools are fucking losers trying to brainwash kids with their sissy-pants metrosexual wishy-washy feminine bullshit. I hope at least one kid told the Sup to go fuck himself, and that anything besides R,W&M was none of his fucking business.
Stick to Reading, Writing and Math. All these SJWs in the schools are fucking losers trying to brainwash kids with their sissy-pants metrosexual wishy-washy feminine bullshit. I hope at least one kid told the Sup to go fuck himself, and that anything besides R,W&M was none of his fucking business.
We had that same shit force fed to us our entire lives by our baby boomer (Hi Race) educators. There's nothing worse that hurt feelings. Words hurt. Violence is NEVER the answer. Blah blah blah. Tell that to the WW2 generation that kicked Hitler's ass. Violence is the only answer sometimes.
No one ever made fun of me for being flamboyantly gay in school, because I kicked a kid's ass so bad that he didn't show up to school for a week. His dad ended up coming into school to talk with the principal. Funny thing was he was the guy who threw the first punch, but I got suspended for winning. Don't ever question who ruined my generation. It was the older generations fault and they taught us to blame the older generation so don't blame us for blaming them.
These little fucks have been taught by Vietnam vets and protestors.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
These little fucks have been taught by Vietnam vets and protestors.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
That's why boomers over corrected and banned dodge ball when they grew up.
We got extra points for face shots when I was in grade school
These little fucks have been taught by Vietnam vets and protestors.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
That's why boomers over corrected and banned dodge ball when they grew up.
We got extra points for face shots when I was in grade school
We had that same shit force fed to us our entire lives by our baby boomer (Hi Race) educators. There's nothing worse that hurt feelings. Words hurt. Violence is NEVER the answer. Blah blah blah. Tell that to the WW2 generation that kicked Hitler's ass. Violence is the only answer sometimes.
No one ever made fun of me for being flamboyantly gay in school, because I kicked a kid's ass so bad that he didn't show up to school for a week. His dad ended up coming into school to talk with the principal. Funny thing was he was the guy who threw the first punch, but I got suspended for winning. Don't ever question who ruined my generation. It was the older generations fault and they taught us to blame the older generation so don't blame us for blaming them.
We had that same shit force fed to us our entire lives by our baby boomer (Hi Race) educators. There's nothing worse that hurt feelings. Words hurt. Violence is NEVER the answer. Blah blah blah. Tell that to the WW2 generation that kicked Hitler's ass. Violence is the only answer sometimes.
No one ever made fun of me for being flamboyantly gay in school, because I kicked a kid's ass so bad that he didn't show up to school for a week. His dad ended up coming into school to talk with the principal. Funny thing was he was the guy who threw the first punch, but I got suspended for winning. Don't ever question who ruined my generation. It was the older generations fault and they taught us to blame the older generation so don't blame us for blaming them.
I liked it better when fags stayed in the closet.
Me too. As long as said closet is well-stocked with fashionable scarfs and fabulous skinny jeans.
These little fucks have been taught by Vietnam vets and protestors.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
That's why boomers over corrected and banned dodge ball when they grew up.
We got extra points for face shots when I was in grade school
These little fucks have been taught by Vietnam vets and protestors.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
That's why boomers over corrected and banned dodge ball when they grew up.
We got extra points for face shots when I was in grade school
These little fucks have been taught by Vietnam vets and protestors.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
That's why boomers over corrected and banned dodge ball when they grew up.
We got extra points for face shots when I was in grade school
These little fucks have been taught by Vietnam vets and protestors.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
That's why boomers over corrected and banned dodge ball when they grew up.
We got extra points for face shots when I was in grade school
What about smear the queer?
Fucking awesome sport. Yes, I said 'sport'. Because if you are playing the entire fifth grade against the entire sixth grade, it goes beyond 'game'.
No one ever made fun of me for being flamboyantly gay in school, because I kicked a kid's ass so bad that he didn't show up to school for a week. His dad ended up coming into school to talk with the principal. Funny thing was he was the guy who threw the first punch, but I got suspended for winning. Don't ever question who ruined my generation. It was the older generations fault and they taught us to blame the older generation so don't blame us for blaming them.
My generation was taught by Korean War and WWII vets. Those crazy fuckers would grab you by the collar and slam you up against a locker for stepping out of line. You wouldn't dare bully someone since they'd already kicked Hitler's ass for being a bully and had no problem knocking the snot out of students.
Both the junior high and high school principals had hack paddles. In fact, the high school VP had a gun in his desk drawer.
Totally different perspective than the group hug circle mentality.
That's why boomers over corrected and banned dodge ball when they grew up.
We got extra points for face shots when I was in grade school
I am shaking and about to vomit.