the weekly standard is your source?????? (On a side note, I think the happiest moment of Bill Kristol's life was having Chuck Hagel appointed as defense secretary so he could use his Ph.D. and make Phenomenology of Spirit puns)
Feminists should have to wear burqa and get stoned to death for being sluts.
some real feminists are, but a lot are silent on this issue. Just shows that mainstream feminism is about much more something other than just women's rights
In Islamic terminology, the houris (/ˈhʊəriz, ˈhaʊəriz/)[1] or ḥūr (plural of ḥaurāʾ, "gazelle-eyed (woman)")[1] or ḥūrīyah[note 1] (Arabic: حورية) are commonly translated as "(splendid)[2] companions of equal age (well-matched)",[3] "lovely eyed",[4] of "modest gaze",[5] "pure beings" or "companions pure" of paradise, denoting humans and jinn who enter Jannah (paradise) after being recreated anew in the hereafter.[6]
Among non-Muslims, the concept of the houri received wide publicity as "virgins" (most usually 72 in number for each shahid) promised as a reward to Muslim martyrs, after their death. However, contrary to such reports, the Quran states that all believers (not just martyrs, and nowhere either is it said it's just men) who go to Heaven shall be granted the company of more than one houri—explicitly mentioned in the plural, and the number 72 comes from a hadith with a weak chain of narrators (i.e. less than totally reliable), and not the Quran.
When you read about these Islamic savages... the heros you defend... with your honor... and your life.
As they systematically herd, then overwhelm, then gang rape the daughters of the appeasing who froze amidst the shock and horror of your enemy assault... who desperately surrendered in the teeth of your caliphate... the weak.
When you read about these Islamic savages... the heros you defend... with your honor... and your life.
As they systematically herd, then overwhelm, then gang rape the daughters of the appeasing who froze amidst the shock and horror of your enemy assault... who desperately surrendered in the teeth of your caliphate... the weak.
(On a side note, I think the happiest moment of Bill Kristol's life was having Chuck Hagel appointed as defense secretary so he could use his Ph.D. and make Phenomenology of Spirit puns)
Among non-Muslims, the concept of the houri received wide publicity as "virgins" (most usually 72 in number for each shahid) promised as a reward to Muslim martyrs, after their death. However, contrary to such reports, the Quran states that all believers (not just martyrs, and nowhere either is it said it's just men) who go to Heaven shall be granted the company of more than one houri—explicitly mentioned in the plural, and the number 72 comes from a hadith with a weak chain of narrators (i.e. less than totally reliable), and not the Quran.
As they systematically herd, then overwhelm, then gang rape the daughters of the appeasing who froze amidst the shock and horror of your enemy assault... who desperately surrendered in the teeth of your caliphate... the weak.
Did you once think about your own daughters?
Serious question (asking for a fren), do they look like this?
like this?
or like this?