Of course it's not that simple. I'm just making death look like a tard ball mentioning suicides. And how gun control won't effect suicide rates at all.
Of course it's not that simple. I'm just making myself look like a tard ball mentioning suicides. And how gun control won't effect suicide rates at all.
Of course it's not that simple. I'm just making death look like a tard ball mentioning suicides. And how gun control won't effect suicide rates at all.
I like to pretend the gun control debate is about suicides. I'm HFS like that.
Of course it's not that simple. I'm just making death look like a tard ball mentioning suicides. And how gun control won't effect suicide rates at all.
I like to pretend the gun control debate is about suicides. I'm HFS like that.
Of course it's not that simple. I'm just making death look like a tard ball mentioning suicides. And how gun control won't effect suicide rates at all.
Second: Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. There could be numerous reasons besides available firearms (depressed economy, change in generational attitudes) that lead people to kill themselves. For instance, Japan, a country with extremely restrictive gun control laws, has a higher suicide rate than the United States (http://gamapserver.who.int/mapLibrary/Files/Maps/Global_AS_suicide_rates_bothsexes_2012.png?ua=1). Changes in any of these could account for lower suicide rates. Guns may play a role, but it is not as simple as saying that having less guns will mean fewer suicides.