Pizza delivery drivers are a competitive bunch. If you don't think that most have a bottle in their car you're being naive. Cocaine use is a badge of honor. The store managers smoke weed at lunch. Goes on all the time
Pizza delivery drivers are a competitive bunch. If you don't think that most have a bottle in their car you're being naive. Cocaine use is a badge of honor. The store managers smoke weed at lunch. Goes on all the time
I have over 9 years of experience as a pizza delivery guy. This is all true.
Mickey's was my go-to beverage, and what's awesome now is that you can buy a bottle of it with a screw on cap. I always had to sacrifice the carpet underneath the drivers seat whenever I got pulled over because that was the only place to hide it. Would piss me off whenever a cop would turn his lights on and I'd waste a whole beer by cramming it under the seat only to find out he was pulling over the car in front of me.
The truth is that driving is so boring that drugs and alcohol are the only way to keep things interesting.
Although my post might lead one to believe I was wooshed, the truth is that I was not whooshed, nor have I ever been whooshed in the history of HH or even going back to my Dawgman days (and let's not forget about Dawgboard either, which is surprisingly still functioning as a message board).
DJ's post may have been a jab at Sark, but it's completely accurate in regards to my experience as a pizza delivery guy. Then again, no matter what my job is, I keep alcohol and weed in my car, so...
Mickey's was my go-to beverage, and what's awesome now is that you can buy a bottle of it with a screw on cap. I always had to sacrifice the carpet underneath the drivers seat whenever I got pulled over because that was the only place to hide it. Would piss me off whenever a cop would turn his lights on and I'd waste a whole beer by cramming it under the seat only to find out he was pulling over the car in front of me.
The truth is that driving is so boring that drugs and alcohol are the only way to keep things interesting.
DJ's post may have been a jab at Sark, but it's completely accurate in regards to my experience as a pizza delivery guy. Then again, no matter what my job is, I keep alcohol and weed in my car, so...