Greetings degenerates,
Another year is almost in the books for our little website. After being built from scratch, it's now three years old and has had 17.6 million page views, including 8.9 million page views in 2015.
While it's true that we have a lot of idiots on here wasting bandwidth, we're also blessed with dozens of great posters. Some folks who really know their football and/or are vastly entertaining. For this fact, me and the original Bored of Investors are grateful.
We've seen some great things emerge, including two wonderful podcasts. The Husky Fan Podcast is now broadcasting live from a radio station in Friday Harbor and streaming on the internet. Bigger and better things will be on the horizon for them in the future. And The Season is Over Podcast is eclectic and original (with an epic Hardcore Husky promo), but also they offer thought-provoking football talk that makes me THINK and CARE.
I also want to thank my own co-hosts for the Hardcore Husky Podcast, Kyle Benn and Mike Monan. Despite the fact I was tediously kvetching about the offense all season long, we had a good time overall.
With all these things taking on lives of their own and growing, and with the UW football program hopefully on the verge of big things, it's also time for me get more involved in terms of writing. I'm in the process of making some changes in my life to allow for more time and energy dedicated to writing articles for the home page. (Obligatory: Wait, there's a home page?)
In crunching the numbers, it had been my plan to run two official fund raisers per year to keep our pirate ship afloat (January and August). But what I would like to do is limit it to one fund raiser per year in August, when we reset the badges and start anew. The dedication and loyalty so many of you have shown to this community gives me the faith that this plan will work.
As it stands right now, we have the funds to carry us to late spring/early summer. In a worst case scenario, I will have to dig into my own pockets to fund the site during the summer. If some of you wish to chip in a couple bucks in the interim, you can do so on the front page or here:
https://paypal.me/hardcorehuskyAlso, the mailing address is Derek Johnson, PO Box 8298, Port Orchard, WA 98366
Here's to a great 2016. May the Seahawks win the Super Bowl and may all of you enjoy your miserable and pathetic lives living in your mother's basements. May your Mountain Dew be cold and your Hot Pockets drip artificial cheese onto your TV trays as you get high score in Call of Duty.
Derek Johnson
Chairman of the Bored
Hardcore Husky