-- Why does Jonathan Smith still have a job? -- Should we be freaking out if we suffer a similar bowl outcome as Okla St last year? -- Five things you want to see in the bowl game?
Now that the level of competition had been increased, will the HFP do all they can to win? Will Chest work harder than ever this offseason? Will Jimmy fight through the ludes like Ossai at the lunch buffet? Will Roaddawg finally win an argument on the bored with Freeme? Maybe meet Dennis at the 7-11 for a little golves-off action.
-- Why does Jonathan Smith still have a job? -- Should we be freaking out if we suffer a similar bowl outcome as Okla St last year? -- Five things you want to see in the bowl game?
If you get a call from a drunk with bar background noise from a strange area code, that's probably me...actually knowing this board, it could be a lot of people...but it might be me...
-- Should we be freaking out if we suffer a similar bowl outcome as Okla St last year?
-- Five things you want to see in the bowl game?
Any chance for "crosstalk" between the various podcasts?
Edit: Or I'll be blacked out. Either way it'll be interesting.