Base salaries do not include all compensation. Petersens tops out higher than leach.
I'm pretty sure that website includes all compensation. The reason I think Petersen is less is that is 2014 salaries and I'm not sure he was on the payroll on January 1. If you go down, Tosh and Wilcox are actually listed.
I just like to give Sark shit for posting a 2013 article.
Base salaries do not include all compensation. Petersens tops out higher than leach.
I'm pretty sure that website includes all compensation. The reason I think Petersen is less is that is 2014 salaries and I'm not sure he was on the payroll on January 1. If you go down, Tosh and Wilcox are actually listed.
I just like to give Sark shit for posting a 2013 article.
Again, you've earned the biggest dipshit award. No one is surprised. Next thing you know you will tell us that India doesn't have terror attacks. What a dumbfuck.
See you in Bozeman!
That's right, Leach is the highest paid state employee.
I just like to give Sark shit for posting a 2013 article.
This will be updated to reflect 2015 compensation probably sometimes in Jan if you want to see the 2015 numbers.
But yes, we can conclude that Leach made more for going 3-9 in 2014 than Petersen did for going 8-6
Again, you've earned the biggest dipshit award. No one is surprised. Next thing you know you will tell us that India doesn't have terror attacks. What a dumbfuck.