What's our population density? Ethnically cleansing the Indigenous population of the SE and sending them to Oklahoma seemed to work out, are you seriously claiming that a few tens of thousands of Syrians is going to all of a sudden upset the social balance of the country?
I'm tired of this we are all immigrants bullshit. The people that founded this country won it by force fair and square, as has always been the traditional way of deciding land ownership over the course of history. The "native" Americans had to win their land by force at some point as well. I don't want anyone immigrating here if their religion tells them to win my land by force, which it does so fuck off.
I'm tired of this we are all immigrants bullshit. The people that founded this country won it by force fair and square, as has always been the traditional way of deciding land ownership over the course of history. The "native" Americans had to win their land by force at some point as well. I don't want anyone immigrating here if their religion tells them to win my land by force, which it does so fuck off.
I'm tired of this we are all immigrants bullshit. The people that founded this country won it by force fair and square, as has always been the traditional way of deciding land ownership over the course of history. The "native" Americans had to win their land by force at some point as well. I don't want anyone immigrating here if their religion tells them to win my land by force, which it does so fuck off.
I don't think the British would agree that we won anything fairly.
I'm tired of this we are all immigrants bullshit. The people that founded this country won it by force fair and square, as has always been the traditional way of deciding land ownership over the course of history. The "native" Americans had to win their land by force at some point as well. I don't want anyone immigrating here if their religion tells them to win my land by force, which it does so fuck off.
I don't think the British would agree that we won anything fairly.
I'm tired of this we are all immigrants bullshit. The people that founded this country won it by force fair and square, as has always been the traditional way of deciding land ownership over the course of history. The "native" Americans had to win their land by force at some point as well. I don't want anyone immigrating here if their religion tells them to win my land by force, which it does so fuck off.
I don't think the British would agree that we won anything fairly.
Winners win.
Losers whine about why others won or why they are loosers
Crack a book J. You could start with the Quran.
Some people need to learn history.