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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

PM to PurpJ

GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,516 Standard Supporter
Clit Dempsey, Soccer, biggest signing since Ichiro, 8million dollars...

8 million for a limp-wristed soccer player? Biggest athlete signed in Seattle sports since Itchurho? Are you fucking kidding king5? How about Percy Harvin a few months ago Chris Singles (no chick would date your dumbass, kinda like any dude who follows Sounders "football", you idiotic fuck!) Nobody except the 40k fans at that place where the FUCKING SEAHAWKS play, gives a fucking COCKBITE about "unprofessional " soccer. Go to a Sounders "FC" game and look at the nerds and dweebs who frequent these affairs. Fuck, theyre all dorm dorks from college. None made it into a fraternity so they started intramural soccer leagues, went out and bought trendy little Adidas zip-ups, shoes and Umbro shorts, and tried to fit in on the college landscape. they Failed (still couldn't get into fraternity parties, even with your Adidas zip-ups, you know who you are Damone)! Now you guys are here posting about a sport you know nothing about (College football)

Oh, I'm sorry if I left out the goofy-ass fake European announcer who took over for Kevin Calabro (because Calabro wasn't good enough to sell the most boring sport below the WNBA (which I'd rather watch ahead of "major league" soccer. Enough is Enough of this sport in America (I don't care about how popular soccer is in Mexico...they don't have college football, now fuck off!) Damn, you have to throw in the "fc" for authenticity which NOBODY IS Buying. sure it sells out the clink, But all the fans are at the game...NOBODY is left to watch it on TV, hence no advertising to carry the sport on, unless a wealthy owner can pick up the tab (Like the WNBA, who has a sugar daddy to pay for their lack of viewers [THE NBA] )

The MLS is like a titleIX sport. Nobody gives a flying fuck Ziggy, and paying a player 2 mil a year is like paying Candice Parker 2mil a year. Should have used that money on advertising, cause your respective sports stink rotten and NOBODY watches it. But the profitable "real" football program will pay for all of your Adidas zip-ups and Unbroken gear


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