Afghanistan was harboring terrorist and death to American chants in Iran are all based on the Middle East suddenly getting hot in the last 15 years.
Installing the Shah to get cheaper oil probably wasn't the best long term idea but Bernie is FS to draw that comparison.
He didn't bring it up. The moderator brought it up by asking him if he still though climate change was a top issue in light of the terror attacks. And as the NYTimes article that I linked shows -- anybody with a brain understands the linkage.
I can see that some of you guys don't understand equations that have more than one independent variable.
Fuck, you're right.
How did I miss this: A major difference between ISIL and the litany of other Islamist terrorist organizations competing for fundraising and recruits is that the former is succeeding in a task that not even Al Qaeda, or Obama, could accomplish: they created the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
Yet Boko Haram has been menacing Nigeria’s northern communities for years. Public reports state that the organization was founded in 2002, but it’s activities only reached global spotlight in 2009, when Boko Haram’s new leader, Abubakr Shekau, launched what can only be described as an insurgency against the Nigerian government for not recycling.
Afghanistan was harboring terrorist and death to American chants in Iran are all based on the Middle East suddenly getting hot in the last 15 years.
Installing the Shah to get cheaper oil probably wasn't the best long term idea but Bernie is FS to draw that comparison.
He didn't bring it up. The moderator brought it up by asking him if he still though climate change was a top issue in light of the terror attacks. And as the NYTimes article that I linked shows -- anybody with a brain understands the linkage.
Jesus - is the NY Times now the equivalent of "if it's on the internet it must be true"?
Afghanistan was harboring terrorist and death to American chants in Iran are all based on the Middle East suddenly getting hot in the last 15 years.
Installing the Shah to get cheaper oil probably wasn't the best long term idea but Bernie is FS to draw that comparison.
He didn't bring it up. The moderator brought it up by asking him if he still though climate change was a top issue in light of the terror attacks. And as the NYTimes article that I linked shows -- anybody with a brain understands the linkage.
Jesus - is the NY Times now the equivalent of "if it's on the internet it must be true"?
Are you trying to suggest that a handful of anonymous internet posters in the Tug Tav are more credible than the NY Times?
Afghanistan was harboring terrorist and death to American chants in Iran are all based on the Middle East suddenly getting hot in the last 15 years.
Installing the Shah to get cheaper oil probably wasn't the best long term idea but Bernie is FS to draw that comparison.
He didn't bring it up. The moderator brought it up by asking him if he still though climate change was a top issue in light of the terror attacks. And as the NYTimes article that I linked shows -- anybody with a brain understands the linkage.
Jesus - is the NY Times now the equivalent of "if it's on the internet it must be true"?
Are you trying to suggest that a handful of anonymous internet posters in the Tug Tav are more credible than the NY Times?
No. You did. But simply because the NY Times prints it, doesn't mean it is gospel truth.
It isn't just the NY Times. Many people have said the civil war in Syria is due, in part, to the 6 year draught they've been having.
And Bernie didn't say it was the #1 reason for the war there (that tweet lost the context).
He correctly pointed out that the majority of the blame falls at the feet of Bush's war in Iraq which destabilized the region. A war that Bernie voted against.
It isn't just the NY Times. Many people have said the civil war in Syria is due, in part, to the 6 year draught they've been having.
And Bernie didn't say it was the #1 reason for the war there (that tweet lost the context).
He correctly pointed out that the majority of the blame falls at the feet of Bush's war in Iraq which destabilized the region. A war that Bernie voted against.
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
I'm not going to listen to some crazy fucking socialist discuss some fabricated fucking theory about people living in an area of the world that normally reaches 130 degrees start to kill American's and Europeans because of some pretend fucking scientific theory.
Here's a fucking hint:
Muslims are fucking terrorist and if we go through an ice age they will still want to kill us.
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
I'm not going to listen to some crazy fucking socialist discuss some fabricated fucking theory about people living in an area of the world that normally reaches 130 degrees start to kill American's and Europeans because of some pretend fucking scientific theory.
Okay then by all means go on being outraged about something that somebody else wrote that he said -- and got it wrong. Must be your style. Ignore the facts so that you can shake and vomit when you feel like it. Have another beer with your vomit.
Oh, and since you mentioned socialism. He was asked what his top tax % rate would be -- he said he didn't have a final number yet, but guaranteed it would be lower than what it was in the Eisenhower administration, because Bernie isn't "that much of a socialist". (Eisenhower's top tax rate was 90%)
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
I'm not going to listen to some crazy fucking socialist discuss some fabricated fucking theory about people living in an area of the world that normally reaches 130 degrees start to kill American's and Europeans because of some pretend fucking scientific theory.
Here's a fucking hint:
Muslims are fucking terrorist and if we go through an ice age they will still want to kill us.
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
I'm not going to listen to some crazy fucking socialist discuss some fabricated fucking theory about people living in an area of the world that normally reaches 130 degrees start to kill American's and Europeans because of some pretend fucking scientific theory.
Okay then by all means go on being outraged about something that somebody else wrote that he said -- and got it wrong. Must be your style. Ignore the facts so that you can shake and vomit when you feel like it. Have another beer with your vomit.
Oh, and since you mentioned socialism. He was asked what his top tax % rate would be -- he said he didn't have a final number yet, but guaranteed it would be lower than what it was in the Eisenhower administration, because Bernie isn't "that much of a socialist". (Eisenhower's top tax rate was 90%)
I like to compare my tax rate to the Eisenhower Administration almost as much as I like to compare terrorism to global warming ...
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
I'm not going to listen to some crazy fucking socialist discuss some fabricated fucking theory about people living in an area of the world that normally reaches 130 degrees start to kill American's and Europeans because of some pretend fucking scientific theory.
Here's a fucking hint:
Muslims are fucking terrorist and if we go through an ice age they will still want to kill us.
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
I'm not going to listen to some crazy fucking socialist discuss some fabricated fucking theory about people living in an area of the world that normally reaches 130 degrees start to kill American's and Europeans because of some pretend fucking scientific theory.
Here's a fucking hint:
Muslims are fucking terrorist and if we go through an ice age they will still want to kill us.
Because no Christian has been a terrorist?
While I am no fan of Christians, are you really comparing the rare Christian fanatic (can't even think of one right now outside of IRA 20 years ago) to modern day muslims who make up around 97% of global terrorism each year?
That other three percent by the way, is all other non-Islamic terrorist acts combined.
Toppy, watch the debate and hear his direct words, instead of believing that tweet which is twisting his words. He was, in fact, quoting the CIA. Here is the question he was asked, and here is how he answered it. You have to go to the 10 minute mark.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
I'm not going to listen to some crazy fucking socialist discuss some fabricated fucking theory about people living in an area of the world that normally reaches 130 degrees start to kill American's and Europeans because of some pretend fucking scientific theory.
Here's a fucking hint:
Muslims are fucking terrorist and if we go through an ice age they will still want to kill us.
Because no Christian has been a terrorist?
We aren't out there blowing up Mosques. Then again, maybe we should start.
This has been documented and reported by multiple news outlets.
You'd have to be living under a rock to not know this.
However, this does not mean we should stop holding the Saudis responsible for funding ISIS and other Sunni/Wahhabist terrorist groups.
Afghanistan was harboring terrorist and death to American chants in Iran are all based on the Middle East suddenly getting hot in the last 15 years.
How did I miss this:
A major difference between ISIL and the litany of other Islamist terrorist organizations competing for fundraising and recruits is that the former is succeeding in a task that not even Al Qaeda, or Obama, could accomplish: they created the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
Yet Boko Haram has been menacing Nigeria’s northern communities for years. Public reports state that the organization was founded in 2002, but it’s activities only reached global spotlight in 2009, when Boko Haram’s new leader, Abubakr Shekau, launched what can only be described as an insurgency against the Nigerian government for not recycling.
And Bernie didn't say it was the #1 reason for the war there (that tweet lost the context).
He correctly pointed out that the majority of the blame falls at the feet of Bush's war in Iraq which destabilized the region. A war that Bernie voted against.
Terrorism was in full swing long before Bush.
He isn't saying climate changed caused all past terrorism. He is saying climate change will contribute to even more terrorism -- and the CIA has said the same thing.
Here's a fucking hint:
Muslims are fucking terrorist and if we go through an ice age they will still want to kill us.
Oh, and since you mentioned socialism. He was asked what his top tax % rate would be -- he said he didn't have a final number yet, but guaranteed it would be lower than what it was in the Eisenhower administration, because Bernie isn't "that much of a socialist". (Eisenhower's top tax rate was 90%)
That other three percent by the way, is all other non-Islamic terrorist acts combined.