Sorry Shereen, I mean no offense but you are a moron and we are all dumber for having read this.
Watch it @dnc, Shereen while being "first and foremost a HUGE Arizona Wildcat fan, and almost equally a Lakers fan" " ...also despise(s) haters; there is no room in the world for Hate of any kind."
Sorry Shereen, I mean no offense but you are a moron and we are all dumber for having read this.
Watch it @dnc, Shereen while being "first and foremost a HUGE Arizona Wildcat fan, and almost equally a Lakers fan" " ...also despise(s) haters; there is no room in the world for Hate of any kind."
A beat writer, who probably knows the difference between on OLB and a tackle, told the sports guy on the local Fox station that he doesn't think they'll win another game this year and hinted RichRod will be gone.
A beat writer, who probably knows the difference between on OLB and a tackle, told the sports guy on the local Fox station that he doesn't think they'll win another game this year and hinted RichRod will be gone.
So half our wins will result in coaches being fired, but why are we not respected?
Yet nobody mentions that our best weapon on offense is out for the year as well. It's never been an excuse and it shouldn't be. STFU lady. I wonder if her and Roof know each other. Or would Yannity get jealous?
Lol and this is why women should never talk sports.
We need more of that.
Better sign him to a 5 year extension.
If you owe less than $625k on your mortgage, use Obama's Refi Program. It's totally free, but it expires next year.
She probably wouldn't last too long here.