And the talent is young. I have some talent in Gaskin, and while I let him out of the house to trick or treat on the 31st, the others really need to develop on the other days that I take them through the neighborhood. But, ya, Gaskin is a performer and does great on the 31st. We'll come around, and I can imagine one day all will be put in the position where I can let them trick-or-treat on the 31st. I don't know, we'll see, Coach Smith is the one that drives them and unlocks the front door.... so, ya. Ya. It's hard.
Getting candy on Halloween is a process. It doesn't happen with a snap of the fingers. Most of these kids only have a year or two experience getting candy. It takes time.
This is a tough, tough neighborhood.
Sometimes you don't have to go door-to-door. There's a lot of ways to attack a neighborhood.
Because who doesn't want to waste tons of their weed/money getting random kids stoned?