The more "help" students can get from the government to pay for school, the higher tuition prices will be. It's basic supply and demand.
All the students who are getting subsidized loans to major in Journalism, Political Science, Latin, etc. are contributing to the increased tuition price for students who are majoring in something that will actually economically benefit society like Engineering, Medicine, etc...which is decreasing the return on their investment and contributing to a shortage of workers in those fields.
Once you grasp the concept that wealth isn't about money, and rather about what people are physically contributing to society (things getting built, service being performed, etc), you realize how detrimental having a shortage of Engineers and Doctors is to the health of our economy.
TL:DR - Having the government subsidize tuition and student loans for shit tier majors is fucking retarded.
All the students who are getting subsidized loans to major in Journalism, Political Science, Latin, etc. are contributing to the increased tuition price for students who are majoring in something that will actually economically benefit society like Engineering, Medicine, etc...which is decreasing the return on their investment and contributing to a shortage of workers in those fields.
Once you grasp the concept that wealth isn't about money, and rather about what people are physically contributing to society (things getting built, service being performed, etc), you realize how detrimental having a shortage of Engineers and Doctors is to the health of our economy.
TL:DR - Having the government subsidize tuition and student loans for shit tier majors is fucking retarded.