This is pure fiction. Fuck this guy. He's probably one of those pussies who freaks out after one drunk 300 pound man yells, "Fuck the Ducks!" in his general vicinity. Never mind that the 300 pounder is of the Softy variety, not a tuff, mean one. Or he's from the Legion of Doogs, or is painted head to toe in purple. Then after the game when he's with his other Quook buddies he exaggerates the story over beers, his wife talks about how scared she was, etc. We all know of these types.
This is pure fiction. Fuck this guy. He's probably one of those pussies who freaks out after one drunk 300 pound man yells, "Fuck the Ducks!" in his general vicinity. Never mind that the 300 pounder is of the Softy variety, not a tuff, mean one. Or he's from the Legion of Doogs, or is painted head to toe in purple. Then after the game when he's with his other Quook buddies he exaggerates the story over beers, his wife talks about how scared she was, etc. We all know of these types.
Kind of like how CougLJ always talks to his "buddies" in Portland about us?
This is pure fiction. Fuck this guy. He's probably one of those pussies who freaks out after one drunk 300 pound man yells, "Fuck the Ducks!" in his general vicinity. Never mind that the 300 pounder is of the Softy variety, not a tuff, mean one. Or he's from the Legion of Doogs, or is painted head to toe in purple. Then after the game when he's with his other Quook buddies he exaggerates the story over beers, his wife talks about how scared she was, etc. We all know of these types.
How come he isn't mad about his buddies flashing the W's in his wedding photos?
And furthermore, who goes out of state to a nondescript state school? You could just go to WWU. Or go to community college and get a DTA (Hi self!). Fuck this guy.
That guy is a total fag and his wife is a beard. U go to your arch rivals stadium and bitch about that? I've had far worse encounters at ASU, WSU, and U of Eh. Went to a Raiders vs Broncos game with a buddy at the Black Hole and some dumfuk in Bronco gear sat right in front of us. Ho lee fuk the abuse this guy took all game, but he kept to himself and made it out of the stadium alive (not sure about the parking lot)
This is pure fiction. Fuck this guy. He's probably one of those pussies who freaks out after one drunk 300 pound man yells, "Fuck the Ducks!" in his general vicinity. Never mind that the 300 pounder is of the Softy variety, not a tuff, mean one. Or he's from the Legion of Doogs, or is painted head to toe in purple. Then after the game when he's with his other Quook buddies he exaggerates the story over beers, his wife talks about how scared she was, etc. We all know of these types.
Kind of like how CougLJ always talks to his "buddies" in Portland about us?
You cock-eaters REALLY go too far. I read your posts to friends of mine in Portland and they think you are disgusting pigs and not very nice... I AGREE.
I told them you are huskie fans and that makes you assholes by association and, hence, can't help yourselves. The lot of you need to get your minds out of the gutter. I am sick and tired of making excuses for you. Fuck.
I hope Alex's next 12 years go like the last 12 of mine. Then I can tell him that the boot-licking type Oregon fans are what the 'rivalry' really needs. Make me more gifs DUCK!
His tires were slashed because of a duck license plate frame? Bullshit
I only saw one 300 pound dude in E1 (Morgan Rosenborough) and he wasn't doing that. Plus, that's assault and it would have been easy to get a cop.
I have a friend who has had duck stuff on his car for 25 years and hasn't had a scratch.
This fucker lies.
Also, he's getting a masters in sports admistration? WTF is that? Could higher education beca bigger scam?
I told them you are huskie fans and that makes you assholes by association and, hence, can't help yourselves. The lot of you need to get your minds out of the gutter. I am sick and tired of making excuses for you. Fuck.
Tires were slashed? Yeah, OK.
Make me more gifs DUCK!
oregoncollege football existed the last time your grandma was pushed down the stairs.Ink this thread to his Facebook.
What a cunt.