I was going to post this elsewhere, but here works as well ...
I've traveled to my fair share of road games in my life and one thing you learn very quickly is that you root for your team, you should respect to your hosts, and you don't ruffle feathers.
Oregon fans don't get this shit ... I almost got into 2 fights tonight from Duck fans that were somewhere between idiotic and fucktarded ... a buddy of mine got punched in the chest by a Duck female on the way to the game.
I was going to post this elsewhere, but here works as well ...
I've traveled to my fair share of road games in my life and one thing you learn very quickly is that you root for your team, you should respect to your hosts, and you don't ruffle feathers.
Oregon fans don't get this shit ... I almost got into 2 fights tonight from Duck fans that were somewhere between idiotic and fucktarded ... a buddy of mine got punched in the chest by a Duck female on the way to the game.
I was going to post this elsewhere, but here works as well ...
I've traveled to my fair share of road games in my life and one thing you learn very quickly is that you root for your team, you should respect to your hosts, and you don't ruffle feathers.
Oregon fans don't get this shit ... I almost got into 2 fights tonight from Duck fans that were somewhere between idiotic and fucktarded ... a buddy of mine got shit on the chest for good luck by a Duck female on the way to the game.
I was going to post this elsewhere, but here works as well ...
I've traveled to my fair share of road games in my life and one thing you learn very quickly is that you root for your team, you should respect to your hosts, and you don't ruffle feathers.
Oregon fans don't get this shit ... I almost got into 2 fights tonight from Duck fans that were somewhere between idiotic and fucktarded ... a buddy of mine got punched in the chest by a Duck female on the way to the game.
This same shit happens at every venue in the PAC. I was at the "Pick Game" and a lot of UW fans were total classless asses who acted like they owned the place (Autzen). It hardly bothered me because their team pretty much did for decades.
I personally have been to 1/2 the PAC venues and would never act up, because I value my life and do not want to die at a football game.
Moreover, last year after the Ducks beat UW for the 11th time I walked up to a UW tailgate and was disappointed when they immediately told me they've heard enough shit for the night from other Duck fans, but that wasn't my intent. I happen to respect and admire all fans that will travel to watch their team play. I approached them to offer a drink and to simply BS.
It all worked out - we smoked a peace pipe and had a good time.
I've traveled to my fair share of road games in my life and one thing you learn very quickly is that you root for your team, you should respect to your hosts, and you don't ruffle feathers.
Oregon fans don't get this shit ... I almost got into 2 fights tonight from Duck fans that were somewhere between idiotic and fucktarded ... a buddy of mine got punched in the chest by a Duck female on the way to the game.
I personally have been to 1/2 the PAC venues and would never act up, because I value my life and do not want to die at a football game.
Moreover, last year after the Ducks beat UW for the 11th time I walked up to a UW tailgate and was disappointed when they immediately told me they've heard enough shit for the night from other Duck fans, but that wasn't my intent. I happen to respect and admire all fans that will travel to watch their team play. I approached them to offer a drink and to simply BS.
It all worked out - we smoked a peace pipe and had a good time.
The end.