Pick a side of what. He has a side. And he won the debate -- but CNN is working hard to prop up Hillary as the winner (big surprise since their parent company is one of her top 10 supporters).
They even removed their post debate poll that showed 80% of the viewers felt that Bernie won... but they put it back up after being bombarded with questions about why they took it down. Other outlets have polls with Bernie winning in a landslide -- but the talking heads are scared and still propping up Hillary.
Only question is whether his supporters will actually vote.
why do these fags have such a hardon for hillary? I dont get it. She has accomplished jack shit in her political career and has a half dozen serious scandals in her closet.
I think it's going come down to Sanders and Trump -> worst election ever. I'm probably not going to watch any of the debates, but Sanders in the past has always been the most prepared in debates and on TV interviews I've seen him in. He'll most likely embarrass Clinton in his debates with her...he knows how to bait a weak talking point from someone on vague issues and then rip them apart, then change the subject before they can react to save some face. I hate insecure and controlling ESTJs like Hillary Clinton...she can't hide/control her true, A-hole facial expressions...Americans know deep down, she's a sour apple. She's the kind of woman, men enjoy cheating on...no way she can win the nomination.
One candidate will not fight a war no matter what happens, the other is guaranteed to start a 3-way, WW3 with China and Russia. One's too weak, one's too arrogant. War is definitely coming in the next 5 years.
It isn't true that he won't fight a war. He supported the war in Afpornistan, just not the war in Iraq (because he knew that Bush & Cheney were lying).
The largest Veterans group in the US selected Bernie as the US Senator that best serves their needs in the senate.
Pick a side of what. He has a side. And he won the debate -- but CNN is working hard to prop up Hillary as the winner (big surprise since their parent company is one of her top 10 supporters).
They even removed their post debate poll that showed 80% of the viewers felt that Bernie won... but they put it back up after being bombarded with questions about why they took it down. Other outlets have polls with Bernie winning in a landslide -- but the talking heads are scared and still propping up Hillary.
Only question is whether his supporters will actually vote.
I think Bernie should run as a 3rd party candidate.
Then Hilary might actually have to run a campaign.
Of course neither of them would win next November but IWBI
He needs to pick a side.
They even removed their post debate poll that showed 80% of the viewers felt that Bernie won... but they put it back up after being bombarded with questions about why they took it down. Other outlets have polls with Bernie winning in a landslide -- but the talking heads are scared and still propping up Hillary.
Only question is whether his supporters will actually vote.
Big corps play things safe.
I hate insecure and controlling ESTJs like Hillary Clinton...she can't hide/control her true, A-hole facial expressions...Americans know deep down, she's a sour apple. She's the kind of woman, men enjoy cheating on...no way she can win the nomination.
One candidate will not fight a war no matter what happens, the other is guaranteed to start a 3-way, WW3 with China and Russia. One's too weak, one's too arrogant. War is definitely coming in the next 5 years.
The largest Veterans group in the US selected Bernie as the US Senator that best serves their needs in the senate.
He is not week on defense. But he is smart about when and where it should be used.
Then Hilary might actually have to run a campaign.
Of course neither of them would win next November but IWBI