Writers are a competitive bunch. If you don't think that most have a bottle in the desk you're being naive. Cocaine use is a badge of honor. The pressmen smoke weed at lunch. Goes on all the time
Race did a lot of good for DFI. Brought it back from 0-12 so maybe some of you should just acknowledge that he he left it in a better place than he found it.
I hope Derek Johnson and Racebannon can talk at some point, Race is a good guy, who we are concerned for his health and his well being.
We have tired to reach out to Race (two hours of phone calls, texts and calls to his ex wife) to let him know, but much like a high school jilted lover Race believed ignoring our breakup phone call would mean that we couldnt actually fire him.
Huh? He also lead it into 0-12? nm
We have tired to reach out to Race (two hours of phone calls, texts and calls to his ex wife) to let him know, but much like a high school jilted lover Race believed ignoring our breakup phone call would mean that we couldnt actually fire him.
Unfortunately, Not the case