After the Boise State game, there was a line of BSU players and coaches waiting to talk with Petersen. Sark looks like the kid who gets left out of the game on the playground after everyone else has been picked. At least he got a half-ass side hug from Dwayne
I can't remember anyone speaking bad about CP here in Boise. I have heard a couple of idiot boise state fans who think he was terrible because he finally lost more than 1 or 2 games in a season, but other than a couple of idiots he's well liked here. Players love him because of all he did and all the success he brought from unknown players to NFL alum.
One other thing about CP is that a lot of guys around the program appreciate that he sets them up for life after football by what he teaches. It may or may not work at UW, but at least for his sake he is setting an example instead of drinking away 5* talent.
I've almost started to feel sorry for the fucker.
One other thing about CP is that a lot of guys around the program appreciate that he sets them up for life after football by what he teaches. It may or may not work at UW, but at least for his sake he is setting an example instead of drinking away 5* talent.