For clarification, someone said something about woody and halftime fashion shows bla bla. Can't find the comment now, but was wondering if someone had more details. I'm launching a line of clothing and I would loooove an opportunity for that kind of fabulous exposure. Fyi, my product lines will be aimed at wealthy old people who like to throw their money away, so this could be a great opportunity for me. I might develop a "line" for 18-22 y/o male hipster metros who shave their pit hair as well, so all I'm seeing are dollar signs right now.
Woodward was giving an interview last month where he said he needed to think outside the box to create a better game day experience and draw bigger crowds. He said he had been to a golf tourney in Arizona where they had a fashion show, and it was extremely popular. He said those were the types of examples he was looking at to integrate into Husky Football.
Woodward was giving an interview last month where he said he needed to think outside the box to create a better game day experience and draw bigger crowds. He said he had been to a golf tourney in Arizona where they had a fashion show, and it was extremely popular. He said those were the types of examples he was looking at to integrate into Husky Football.
I am shaking and about to vomit being reminded of this fucktarded AD regime.
Woodward was giving an interview last month where he said he needed to think outside the box to create a better game day experience and draw bigger crowds. He said he had been to a golf tourney in Arizona where they had a fashion show, and it was extremely popular. He said those were the types of examples he was looking at to integrate into Husky Football.
Well except the freaky dude up front. He can watch tho.
What if it's yoga pants fashion shows? He might be on to something.
Or if all else fails: