"we" nice try retard, I was banned for a copper penny avatar dikwad
No. You were banned for being a worthless retard.
Looks like nothing has changed.
Only thing that changed from last year is you haven't washed the sand out. If it wasn't for puppy nobody would know who the hell you are. HTH fucko
I'm OG HHB, bitch.
You and puppy are just the retards we keep around for entertainment.
Despite your claims to the contrary, you obviously still don't get it.
Tommy you are channeling your inner Kim man complex, good luck with that as you age and shrink and make your giant football looks like a bimp. Have a nice day tall Vern
I'm Kim???
Let's review: you were a Doogman subscriber for years. I never gave them a dime.
You suck at this.
Your channeling Kim, learn the difference. Since when did the free board require paying a dime? One of my roommates worked for Jim H at Sports Washington while we were at UW in the early 90s. I didn't pay shit sandy
Not surprising though.
You might be the only one here that can give d2d a run for biggest compulsive liar.
Why don't you go make another thread about how you "get it" now. I'm sure it will be better than this one.
I got free magazines through the 90s cocklicker and the free board was good enough for me around 96/97 when I joined. If you were never there then you wouldn't know the free board was great in those days. I was more than ok with free beer tardO
Now I'm a compulsive liar lol, nice try fucko. The closest thing I ever said here that would be considered a lie is when I had my apartment in Thailand while I was home last year during the spring/summer when my father was near death and passed away during the Thailand rainy season.
We can keep playing this game or you can fuck off and move on. I made my piece when I returned.
"we" nice try retard, I was banned for a copper penny avatar dikwad
No. You were banned for being a worthless retard.
Looks like nothing has changed.
Only thing that changed from last year is you haven't washed the sand out. If it wasn't for puppy nobody would know who the hell you are. HTH fucko
I'm OG HHB, bitch.
You and puppy are just the retards we keep around for entertainment.
Despite your claims to the contrary, you obviously still don't get it.
Tommy you are channeling your inner Kim man complex, good luck with that as you age and shrink and make your giant football looks like a bimp. Have a nice day tall Vern
I'm Kim???
Let's review: you were a Doogman subscriber for years. I never gave them a dime.
You suck at this.
Your channeling Kim, learn the difference. Since when did the free board require paying a dime? One of my roommates worked for Jim H at Sports Washington while we were at UW in the early 90s. I didn't pay shit sandy
Not surprising though.
You might be the only one here that can give d2d a run for biggest compulsive liar.
Why don't you go make another thread about how you "get it" now. I'm sure it will be better than this one.
I got free magazines through the 90s cocklicker and the free board was good enough for me around 96/97 when I joined. If you were never there then you wouldn't know the free board was great in those days. I was more than ok with free beer tardO
Now I'm a compulsive liar lol, nice try fucko. The closest thing I ever said here that would be considered a lie is when I had my apartment in Thailand while I was home last year during the spring/summer when my father was near death and passed away during the Thailand rainy season.
We can keep playing this game or you can fuck off and move on. I made my piece when I returned.
"we" nice try retard, I was banned for a copper penny avatar dikwad
No. You were banned for being a worthless retard.
Looks like nothing has changed.
Only thing that changed from last year is you haven't washed the sand out. If it wasn't for puppy nobody would know who the hell you are. HTH fucko
I'm OG HHB, bitch.
You and puppy are just the retards we keep around for entertainment.
Despite your claims to the contrary, you obviously still don't get it.
Tommy you are channeling your inner Kim man complex, good luck with that as you age and shrink and make your giant football looks like a bimp. Have a nice day tall Vern
I'm Kim???
Let's review: you were a Doogman subscriber for years. I never gave them a dime.
You suck at this.
Your channeling Kim, learn the difference. Since when did the free board require paying a dime? One of my roommates worked for Jim H at Sports Washington while we were at UW in the early 90s. I didn't pay shit sandy
Not surprising though.
You might be the only one here that can give d2d a run for biggest compulsive liar.
Why don't you go make another thread about how you "get it" now. I'm sure it will be better than this one.
I got free magazines through the 90s cocklicker and the free board was good enough for me around 96/97 when I joined. If you were never there then you wouldn't know the free board was great in those days. I was more than ok with free beer tardO
Now I'm a compulsive liar lol, nice try fucko. The closest thing I ever said here that would be considered a lie is when I had my apartment in Thailand while I was home last year during the spring/summer when my father was near death and passed away during the Thailand rainy season.
We can keep playing this game or you can fuck off and move on. I made my piece when I returned.
"we" nice try retard, I was banned for a copper penny avatar dikwad
No. You were banned for being a worthless retard.
Looks like nothing has changed.
Only thing that changed from last year is you haven't washed the sand out. If it wasn't for puppy nobody would know who the hell you are. HTH fucko
I'm OG HHB, bitch.
You and puppy are just the retards we keep around for entertainment.
Despite your claims to the contrary, you obviously still don't get it.
Tommy you are channeling your inner Kim man complex, good luck with that as you age and shrink and make your giant football looks like a bimp. Have a nice day tall Vern
I'm Kim???
Let's review: you were a Doogman subscriber for years. I never gave them a dime.
You suck at this.
Your channeling Kim, learn the difference. Since when did the free board require paying a dime? One of my roommates worked for Jim H at Sports Washington while we were at UW in the early 90s. I didn't pay shit sandy
Not surprising though.
You might be the only one here that can give d2d a run for biggest compulsive liar.
Why don't you go make another thread about how you "get it" now. I'm sure it will be better than this one.
I got free magazines through the 90s cocklicker and the free board was good enough for me around 96/97 when I joined. If you were never there then you wouldn't know the free board was great in those days. I was more than ok with free beer tardO
Now I'm a compulsive liar lol, nice try fucko. The closest thing I ever said here that would be considered a lie is when I had my apartment in Thailand while I was home last year during the spring/summer when my father was near death and passed away during the Thailand rainy season.
We can keep playing this game or you can fuck off and move on. I made my piece when I returned.
Now I'm a compulsive liar lol, nice try fucko. The closest thing I ever said here that would be considered a lie is when I had my apartment in Thailand while I was home last year during the spring/summer when my father was near death and passed away during the Thailand rainy season.
We can keep playing this game or you can fuck off and move on. I made my piece when I returned.
Now more than ever, #FreeHarv
No need to ban anyone. Just walk the fuck away when you feel like it. It really is simple.